One year out, hair sooo thin. Will it EVER really grow back?

Am I just told that my hair will grow back but it won't? Please tell me that some post op's over a year that it DOES. Man is it thinner than EVER! I hardly have any. Thinking of getting a WIG!!!    — Michele B. (posted on July 30, 2004)

July 30, 2004
I am pre op but I read on the message board about a week ago that post ops took zinc as a daily vit and It stopped falling out and then came back and it only took a couple weeks for this to start happening. Luck
   — Shell G

July 30, 2004
I'm 13 months out. At it's worse (approx 7 months), I'd say have of my previously thick hair fell out. Now, I'd say half of that has come back. This means I'm still missing about 1/4 of my original hair. I have short hair and it came back very curly. Some people would like this but I'm not one of them. Still, I'm grateful for what I've got. Good luck, Renee
   — ReneeJune03

July 30, 2004
I am 2 years post op and my hair is just now all back. Like the previous poster, my hair used to be straight and it grew back in curly. I remember it started growing back at around a year post op. I went to an upscale hair stylist who did a great job of keeping it looking good and in style during the difficult time when I was losing then regrowing my hair. Good luck to you!
   — maryburton

July 31, 2004
I have noticed that when I am getting enough protein, I lose less hair. During a period when I stopped drinking my daily protein (I was tired of the monotony), I lost a lot more hair! I am 11 months post-op and have lost 165 lbs in 11 months! I like GNC's Pro-Complex. It isn't as thick as most proteins and it mixes well with milk. I have lost hair, but not enough to be noticeable to most people. Try the protein.
   — Patricia B.

July 31, 2004
i am 18 months post op and still losing hair. My temples are bald like men get when they lose hair. I get all my protien, take vits, everything. My surgeon says none of that special shampoo and vits help. I do have a little new growth and it is white (my hair is reddish brown) and curly. I already own a wig that I wear for special occaisions and it is like my hair styule so no one knows unless I tell them. i have it on in my board picture.
   — Delores S.

July 31, 2004
I am almost 3 years post-op and went through hair loss several times since surgery. It was the Nioxin products that made mine stop falling out. With the kit that I bought, it came with a drain catch which catches the hair that does fall out. I noticed a big difference in using it. My hair has finally filled in and I have tons of new growth. (It sticks up funny away from my head because there is so much of it, lol) I use the shampoo, conditioner and a mousse and a serum. The serum is so concentrated that if some gets on your forehead, it turns the skin red. The products give this info on the label as a side effect. It is the increased circulation to the scalp that strenthens the hair shaft. That is how it was explained to me. I don't know how accurate it is, I just know that it has worked for me since starting using it in the late winter this year, and I will not stop using it. The vitamins never helped me (and I was trying everything!), but I have seen here where it helps some people. You just have to try and figure out what will work for you. Good luck in figuring it out, I wish that it hadn't taken me over 2 years to get it right. My hair is finally shoulder length, and has become easier to grow since filling in!
   — Cheri M.

August 1, 2004
I am pre op but since the birth of my daughter I noticed my hair thinning. I went from shoulder length to scalp length. My stylist advised me to start the Nioxin cleanser and scalp therapy and then use the redkin anti-snap (leave in with protein) I normally get a hair cut every eight weeks. After 4weeks of using Nioxin I had to get a trim (my hair was longer and so thick) then decided to let my hair grow. I am estimating my surgery to be in October so I will continue this until after surgery. Also the vitamin biotin is helpful. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — courtney A.

August 1, 2004
I am 10 1/2 months post op and resisted getting the Nioxin products because I just thought it was a gimmick but finally did buy the starter kit a couple of weeks ago since nothing else was working and I'm astonished at how quickly the hair loss stopped for me. I also LOVE the way it makes my hair feel. Seems to have more volumn and is way more manageable. I had a "male pattern" baldness thing going on with hair receding on both sides of my forehead but noticed yesterday those areas are filling in with little short curly hair. Hope it keeps it up and I definitely plan to keep using the Nioxin products. I got the bionutrients cleanser and scalp therapy and the cytonutrients leave in serum.
   — scbabe

August 1, 2004
I bought hair, skin and, nail viatmins from GNC for 10 dollars and a 30 month supply. It seems to be helping me pretty well. There is also Norishair from GNC.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 1, 2004
My sister had a lot of thinning. I haven't had very much but we both were told by our Dr. to start taking Biotin. We are taking 1500 mg a day. We found some 1500 mg tablets at a really great price at Walmart. Hope this works for you.
   — Iris P.

August 1, 2004
Thinning hair can be a huge problem for people after the body has experienced hormonal changes, among other things. I have 2 products for you to try. Both of these products can be purchased through beauty salons: Nioxin and Therapro. The Therapro system is for more severe cases. I have used both products. I have found the Nioxin to reduce the amount of hair loss, but the Therapro is regrowing lost hair as well as reducing the amount of hair loss. Give one of these products a try. Good Luck!
   — Patricia B.

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