The Head of Nutrient for Kaiser told me that Calcium does not get absorbed after RYN.

A nutrientist from Kaiser told me that when you have the Roux EN Y that no calcium could be absorbed because Calcium requires Stomach Acid. That after Surgery there is no more Acid no matter what the Surgeon tells you. She said she would like some one to prove her wrong but this wouldn't happen. Is this true? I just can't see this being true. Even my NP said it was true. Please help.    — Jennifer F. (posted on May 29, 2004)

May 29, 2004
My understanding is that we have problems absorbing calcium carbonate NOT calcium citrate. My daily vitamins have both, but I do take a citrate supplement.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 29, 2004
Yes, calcium carbonate requires stomach acid for absorption, calcium citrate does NOT. Citrate is the way to go and, generally, we require double the dose of normies. Remember to separate calcium from iron by at least 2 hours.
   — Leslie F.

May 29, 2004
Quote:<br>That after Surgery there is no more Acid no matter what the Surgeon tells you.<br>That's a load of crap. Next time I get sick from too much stomach acid and have to visit the bathroom...I can save it for her if she would like.<br>Gross, I know, but sorry. You do still have stomach acid, it's not like your surgeon turns that off or something. Yes, the majority of it is in the sealed off portion, but that acid has to go someplace. And just because your pouch is small doesn't mean it's BROKEN. Perhaps the 6 doctors that have recommended I take prevacid/nexium are wrong. <br>Let me prove her wrong right mother had a Mason shunt...essentially a trasected RNY in 1976. That would be 28 years ago. She recently had a bone scan done and it came back no different than someone that has not had WLS. SHOCK!! She was perfectly healthy.<br>Curious, what was her recomendation as to a calcium replacement?
   — RebeccaP

May 30, 2004
No stomach acid? Then why does my Dr. have me on Protonix to keep the stomach acid down, Hummmmmmmmmm. J
   — njcrom2

May 30, 2004
The calcium citrate can be absorbed because the citrate ion provides the acidic environment needed. There is stomach acid after the RNY, just not enough of it (in most instances). By contradicting the surgeon and said that no one can prove her wrong, it sounds like she is quite full of herself. <p> My wife and I have been taking calcium citrate since our RNYs (7/02 for me and 5/03 for her) and my wife's 2nd Dexascan was even better than her first several years ago when she was diagnosed with osteopenia...JR
   — John Rushton

May 30, 2004
Jennifer...I definitely have stomach acid. I'd been on Prilosec and then Nexium for 11 years prior to my surgery. I went off it when I had the surgery because they said I probably wouldn't have anymore reflux. Well, I still have reflux if I don't take the nexium. Also, before I started back on the nexium, I was having a lot of pain in my right lower side where the small and large bowel join. The nurse thought it was constipation and I took a relief. Then, I thought it might be my BP medicine, so I left it off for two days, still no relief. Finally, when I analyzed the pain, it felt like I used to feel whenever I took anything that had aspirin in it was acid eating my stomach and bowel up. So, I called the surgeon and asked if I could start the nexium again and they said it wouldn't hurt to try. Well, since then...NO PAIN!! I don't believe the nutritionist knows what she's talking about. But that's just my opinion.
   — Katherine F.

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