Help! I have no desire to eat anything at 10 mos post-op!

I am 10 mos post-op, down 113 pounds and I just have no desire to eat! Has anyone else felt this way? I am still drinking 2 protein shakes a day, but picking at everything else! What do I do?? Thanks so much!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on May 24, 2004)

May 24, 2004
Congrats on your weight loss I have felt like that some days but I did find out in order to ose we do haft to eat cause I was not eating like I was suppose to dr said 6xs a day that includes snacks when I got back to doing that the weight started coming off again Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

May 24, 2004
Very common, I am just a little over one year out and still do not feel humger. I am going in for my 1 yr follow-up today and I am going to ask the dietician that very same question. I guess we should enjoy the feeling (or lack of hunger feeling) because I understand that your hunger comes back eventually.
   — ChristineB

May 24, 2004
Be patient, that too will pass.
   — Sharon T.

May 24, 2004
I was seven months out before I felt hungry and it doesn't happen often. Since I always thought I was going to die if I ever got hungry, I'm grateful that I don't get hungry often now. I understand that will pass though and the hunger will come back eventually.
   — scbabe

May 24, 2004
I am 10 1/2 mos post-op and I WISH I had that problem. I am just the opposite. I could eat all day if I allowed myself. It is a daily struggle for me because I could easily slip back into old habits. I'm sure this will not last forever. Enjoy it while you can and make sure you are getting in enough nourishment. Michelle :) 270/148/130
   — Michelle_S

May 24, 2004
Man, why didn't I have THAT side effect!?!?! Sorry, I know you have to eat, but I'm the opposite :(
   — mom2jtx3

May 24, 2004
I am 10 months out down 170 pounds and still do not want to eat. I had anorexia for the first 4 months postop and severe potassium deficiency. Still take K-Dur and still have problems eating. Protein shake every morning - 1 slice of deli turkey, 1 slice of swiss cheese, 6 grapes lunch, usually skip dinner - that's everyday diet. I get it. Just not hungry and food is pretty repulsive most of the time.
   — granola

May 24, 2004
previous poster here - I asked my nutritionist and doctor this same question yesterday at my 1 yr PO apt. and they said that some people never get that real bad hunger feeling back after surgery. My doctor said to "enjoy" it that you are not a slave (hunger) to it like you were pre-op. Now, everyone is different, my husband had open RNY as did I and he gets normal hunger feelings, so everyone is different. Hugs, Christine
   — ChristineB

May 24, 2004
Hey there -- I am 14 mths post op-- down 110 lbs -- I have not had hunger since 3/3/03 (day of surgery) . Sometimes it is annoying to me but I realize that this was the intent of my surgery. Please make sure you eat what you are required each day to maintain you nutrition !!!!!
   — Kewpidoll

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