How does Lap Band surgery affect Type II diabetes?

   — Linda M. (posted on May 21, 2004)

May 21, 2004
I don't think the Band has any effect on Type II diabetes. But the DS works so very well in correcting Type II diabetes that surgeons are now performing the intestinal part on patients of normal weight in order to cure their diabetes. In a recent study, 88% of patients got off ALL diabetes meds after the DS.
   — MsBatt

May 22, 2004
Linda, The Type II diabetics that I know with the lap band are still on insulin and/or oral agents for their diabetes post-op. Their sugars HAVE improved with weight loss, however. RNY is generally recognized to help greatly with Type II, as well. However, the American Diabetes Association had a great article in one of their publications about the fact that the BPD/DS is about a 99% cure rate on Type II diabetes. In fact, my surgeon - Dr. Aniceto Baltasar - is doing just the "switch" portion of the DS on non-MO patients who are severely diabetic, and his results show a 100% cure rate on Type II diabetes. I have several published reports on this, if you're interested in reading them. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

May 23, 2004
You must go to the lap band forum to get answers about the lap band that are accurate. I myself have had the lap band for 6 weeks and am completely off all of my diabetes medicine so to answer your question, yes the lap band can positively affect your Type II diabetes. Please join us on the lap band forum message board if you have additional questions. Believe me when I say that there are a lot of post ops over there who have resolved their diabetes to their satisfaction!
   — Sheila S.

May 19, 2006
my doc told me that the day I have the lapband surgery is the day i go off all my mediactions for type 11 diabetes (metformin and gliclazide)
   — dorisdenton

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