My sister in law... insurance approval troubles

my sister in law is having a lot of problems being approved. she has been fighing the insurance for almost 2 years now. the last time she was denied was last week. she had the paperwork sent to her and she was reading it and is states nothing on there about why she can't be approved. all the paperwork would lead you to believe that she should be approved by now. the reasons they are giving her can't be backed up by the information they have. she needs to know if anyone can recommend a lawyer on here that she would be able to get some questions answered through. please email her with any help you can give her. her email address is [email protected]... thank you    — Tammy B. (posted on May 11, 2004)

May 11, 2004
Try I am in the process of contacting them. Many people on this site have recommended Walter Lindstrom. I hope this helps.
   — Mandy L.

May 13, 2004
Here is my advice: don't give up! Keep calling them and ask them to send you a letter explaining exactly why she was denied. The denial letter should explain exactly why. This isn't really unusual...the insurance company is probably trying to stall. Don't let them get away with it. I had some of the same problems. She can check out my profile for details. Kimberly (6 mos post op Lap-RNY; now a happy 165lbs!)
   — Kimberly S.

May 17, 2004
Don't give up!!! Your life is at stake. It took around 3 yrs for me to get approved, but already it has been sooooo worth it. Do all of your homework, and hound them to mdeath. They want you to give up so THEY don't have to pay. Also prayer works!!! It really helped me thru many times when I would get stuck and didn't know which way to go next. God is good, and he answers prayers. Becky open RNY 1/30/04 352/284/150
   — bufordslipstick

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