5 weeks post TT and I still bleed/drain a lot?

I am 5 weeks out from a panniculectomy (tummy tuck). The JP drains where taken out 2 weeks ago, but I still drain a lot from 4 holes in my abdomen (all blood). Is this normal? I also am still swollen in the upper abdomen. No redness or tenderness, but the drainage is getting on my nerves. I have to change the bandages 4-5 times a day or it will ruin my clothes. Help?    — ralph76 (posted on April 7, 2004)

April 6, 2004
actually if you have had all your drains taken out.. it was quick. I had two. One was taken out in 2 weeks. The other was taken out in 4. DISTPITE that; I had a blood pocket form (if your draining that just MIGHT be a good thing - its possible the drain was taken out too soon; but since your body is still draining natually your not developing a pocket. My surgeon had to go in and 'in insert' a new drain; one which continued to drain for another two months before being taken out.
   — star .

April 7, 2004
Hi. Oh yes, this sounds very normal as I too drained forever. I am now 3 mos. post op and still have swelling but no drainage... you should stop the drainage soon but I have read where it can go on as much as 10 weeks. I wore minipads (awful!!!) at my drain hole sites after the drains had been pulled... read my profile for details... good luck! gail @ goal
   — Bama Beach Girl

April 7, 2004
I had drainage for a long time.. although it looks like blood.. its most likely body fluid and blood -- draining is a good thing.. but a pain in the ass. I used sanitary napkins.. it helped... and changing often is good too. Good luck.
   — Lisa C.

April 7, 2004
Different plastic surgeons have different preferences regarding drains. Mine believed in leaving the JP drains in until they stopped draining, stating that otherwise he would likely have to periodically drain the fluid accumulations with a needle. I had a total of four JP was removed at 10 days, the second at 2 weeks, the third at 4 weeks, and the last one at 7 weeks. The surgeon said that 7 weeks was "unusual, but not unheard of". I thought I was going to have to name it and establish a college fund for it :-) However, I had no problems with infection and never had to have any extra fluid drained after the JPs were removed. I think the idea of using sanitary pads sounds great...they're very absorbent and will save your clothes. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

April 7, 2004
I just had a TT on 3/17 and got the second drain taken out a week ago. I don't have any more drainage. In fact, the holes healed up withint 72 hours. I am pretty swollen and my dr offered to drain it off with a needle but she also said if I am not too uncomfortable that it wouldn't hurt me to leave it. The swelling will go down on its own in a month or so. I've had enough of needles so I left it. I think you should talk to you doctor. Everyone is different.
   — RedHeadBeauty

April 8, 2004
6-1/2 weeks PO from LBL and on drain #9, just put in yesterday. Came out of surgery with 5. 1 pulled just short of 3 weeks. The last 4 pulled at 3 weeks and 1 day, but I still was putting out around 200cc's each from two of the drains. We assumed I was going to have a problem but the surgeon did not want to leave the original drains in any longer. 3 days later he put in a small drain, actually a catheter drain, in the lower abdomen. He removed 350cc's before I left the office. That one worked for about 2 days. 3 days after the first one went in I had another small drain put in the left hip. They drained 680cc's before I ever left the office. That one stayed in about 10 days but was removed because it wasn't working right and keeping suction. 3 days after the hip drain was put in I had a new small drain put in the lower abdomen again and 400cc's were removed before I left. That one worked for about 10 days and then stopped. Turns out it had kinked in 2 places. Yesterday my surgeon put in a "real" drain (bigger in diameter and longer - like the ones we come out of surgery with) and that's working good. Looks like it will hit between 80-100cc's today. We are hoping that the production will be below 30 when I see him next Tuesday. If it is the drain can come out for good. I still have some issue going on with the left hip but all he could get out of it yesterday was 50cc's and he had to work pretty hard to get that. I think it's just swelling and have gone back to wearing my long body compression suit I got after surgery. It seems to feel a little better today. <p>Personally if fluid is leaking out the holes then that says to me there is quite a bit of fluid in there and personally I would rather put in a darn drain and get it over with. I had some leakage the other morning after I removed the kinked drain but it sealed shut after about an hour. I never had any hole leakage after the 5 drains were removed. At least if you have a drain you know where to expect the fluid to be and can be sure it's not going to end up all over your clothes. JMO though.
   — zoedogcbr

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