TEXAS state law

Does anyone know where the state of Texas falls into this category? I have seen posts of some insurance being accepted and others not. Sometimes even with the same name insurance. Does this also include Medicare and Medicaid for individuals?    — MsPiggy S. (posted on March 26, 2004)

March 25, 2004
Texas does not have a law saying the ins. companies must cover WLS. In any state that does have this law, the companies must offer it as a benefit, but the employer who is purchasing the group policy is under no obligation to pick that beneifit up. So it is possible to live in one of those states, but work for a company that chose not to include WLS in it's covered benefits and still not get approved. <p> About the Medicaid/Medicare, I have seen posts by other people that these plans will cover WLS if deemed medically necessary. The challenge for most is finding a surgeon in their area that accepts these plans.
   — Ali M

March 25, 2004
It seem as strong as America is and how they say they care about medical needs of American. Insurances, the state will turn us down everytime. There is an attorney who can offer hope. I will pray for you as all of us from this website has suffered decrimanation in some form from the many insurance companies. Also we meet so many people who have no sympathy for us who are suffering. Stay strong there are lots of people to help you here. And remember when the ignor people and so call professional change there will be help for all of us with repect. Now I will go and have some tea and keep us the fight for all of us. [email protected]
   — Tammy P.

March 27, 2004
Hey, I dont know the answer the medicare/medicade question, but I have heard from people who got them to pay for their surgery. I DO know however that the state of Texas doesnt require any insurnace company to offer WLS. My insurance in THROUGH the state of texas, because my dad is retired from the state of texas. Since im only 19 Im still on his insurance. They wont pay AT ALL! NO MATTER WHAT! They told the nurse at my surgeons office that they didnt care if the person was dying they would not pay. And Walter Lindstrom wont even waste his time fighting them! Crazy huh?! Well, Im just gonna have to self pay. My BMI is 70 so I dont have much of a choice. My surgery is set for May 17th and I cant wait!
   — Valerie03

April 12, 2004
Hi, I had my rny lap surgery with Dr. Adam Naaman on 1/7/04. I have Medicare and Guardian PPO. Both the hospital and surgeon accepted Medicare and Medicare paid promptly for medical necessity. Guardian paid promptly to hospital, doctor not entirely taken care of yet. I am in Houston. Hope this helps.
   — Carolyn B.

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