I dont even have a date yet...........

dont even have a date yet and I feel like I am eating EVERYTHING because I think - well, I won't be able to eat this or that..... help!!!!!    — Sonya Galindo (posted on March 15, 2004)

March 15, 2004
I had so many last suppers. I agree there is very little you wont be able to eat. I can actually eat most everything without dumping but I dont choose too. I stay away from fried foods, like my favorite fried whitefish, onion rings, fried veggies ---they just dont taste good anymore. I loved desserts and havent touched sugar in 14 months just sugar free stuff and no more diet coke either. You will be fine. Best wishes
   — debmi

March 15, 2004
Im in the same boat. I havent gotten a date yet either and Im working on a 6 month diet/exercise program. The exercise is going well but the diet isnt!! Im eating everything in sight!!! Hang in there. I know WE can do it!!
   — leslee4567

March 15, 2004
I am doing to same thing. It is emotional issues that caused this weight. It is my defense barrier. People can't get close to me as long as I look like this (at least in my mind). The thought of breaking down my barrier against vulnerability is scary. I think that is why I am eating so much right now. I don't have insurance approval yet, but the thought of losing the weight is sending me into a tail spin.
   — Peggy Boyd

March 16, 2004
OH MY GOSH! me too! I am TOTALLY out of control, and ALL i do now is shove everything into my mouth that i can get my hands on! I can NOT believe how much i eat more! And, i dont even have a date for a conciltation yet! I'm out of control, and it scares me, cause by the time i get the surgery i'll probably be over 300 pounds
   — Amy W.

March 17, 2004
Hi, I just wanted to say BE CAREFUL!!! I did this too and yesterday I found out I've gained 8 pounds since I first saw my surgeon. And I was told not to gain anymore before my date (3/26)and to possibly lose some. Because if Dr. feels that you've gained too much weight he will refuse do to the surgery for fear that you'll be a non-compliant patient after. Good Luck.
   — vllgmz4

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