just wondering why some ds ppl put down rny surgery?

Hi I am now a year post op from having the rny surgery, I sometimes I come across some questions of which surgery is best the ds or the rny, and I hear form some who have had the ds put down alot of ppl who have had teh rny and say that long term the rny surgery is not affective as the ds surgery, and most people gain all of their weight back within 5 years and as with the ds surgery most ppl don't gain any back at all long term, is that really true or not? I have lost around 150# so far from having the proximal rny and am very happy so far with the results, I know that you can gain a little back here or there as you get further along if you don't watch what you eat, but can you do that with the ds surgery too? I am just curious cuz I heard of some ppl getting a revision to the ds down the road. Thanks for your responses I am just curious cuz some do really bash the rny surgery, and I think it has been a god sent to me so far, I feel for those who have had problems with it but I would think you could have problems with the other surgery too. thanks again!    — Melodee S. (posted on March 15, 2004)

March 14, 2004
Ahh ALL WLS have failures, including the DS. ALL ARE TOOLS, not magic bullets. No doubt some are more effective than others for different people. Depending on their eating habits and lifestyle. Many DSers had to work harder to get their choosen surgery. Insurance is less likely to approve, fewer surgeons do the procedure. So they defend their decision, and yeah I have spoken with some who put down the RNY. I think its more about them convincing themselves they are right, than concern about which surgery you choose. Heck my step mom put down any WLS for me, after seeing me thin for the first time. In that case it was a statement to the rest of the family that WLS isnt acceptable. I have a bunch of relatives in phoenix who would all qualify including my step mom herself. As to regain, I wotrk to prevent that daily. This summer I will be 3 years out. You cant gain a 100 pounds overnight, it happens over time. All of us must watch and be careful o prevent failure. The longest postie I have meet is over 20 years out. She looks good, isnt skinny but certinally not MO. Once we have lost the weight its up to each one of us wether to be careless and allow regain, or be vigiliant and keep it off. The fact your asking this question is promissing, that you will be careful and stay slim. BTW years from now you can compare notes with those same DSers and see how they are doing.
   — bob-haller

March 15, 2004
Bob is so right!!! I actually get pretty sick of this website because if it isn't a debate about low carb vs. normal eating, it's a thing with RNY and DS or something else... They are all tools and depending on how YOU use your tool is the only way to know if the "surgery" is effective for you or not... From what my surgeon told me, I have a 85% chance of keeping the weight off after RNY (as compared to only 1% if I just dieted normally).. I don't know about DS cause I didn't have that procedure done and don't know anyone who has.. So I maybe a so called "newbie" for only being 6.5 months out, but hey I feel good, look great and have learned how to eat healthy and normal, so I am very happy with my RNY!!! Take Care......
   — baybekmbrly

March 15, 2004
I dislike the who's the best attitude also. I have no idea why someone would bash the other wls tool. I had open RNY and have been very happy with it. I think if your attitude isn't so good then you along the way will fail and gain wt back. alot of people thinks their journey is all over after they get to their goal wt. It's not, If you didn't learn how to eat along the way then you are going to gain it back in no time.******* 400/206/-194lbs** 15th month** open RNY** goal wt 160-150 lbs**
   — B4real

March 15, 2004
Ditto to the previous posters. This isn't about "my dad can beat up your dad" or my surgery is better than your surgery. It's about support and it seems that we spend more and more time getting off track about that. I'm seeing more anger, more judgemental comments and more grossly opinionated posts. In a way we're a family and families are supposed to stick together. I applaud anyone who has had success and maintained success following WLS regardless of the procedure they chose. I chose what was right for me and respect that other people choose what it right for them. We need to get back to the business of support - plain and simple. Keep up the good work - I believe you'll do great if you keep the proper mindset.
   — ronascott

March 15, 2004
A six or eight month wait may seem long now, but in the scope of the rest of your life, it's a blip. The choice you make needs to be based on an objective assessment of pros and cons of both procedures as you see them. Educate yourself about the clinical outcomes of both procedures. The published reports show significant differences in long-term success rates. Read the patient stories on the DS website ( Take a look at my profile for links to various DS resources. Good luck!
   — mmagruder

March 15, 2004
Yeesh -- sorry, my form-filler utility put that old answer in there above. <p> What I was trying to say was I disagree with the premise of your question, which is "some who have had the ds put down alot of ppl who have had teh rny". If a person voices an educated opinion as to why they feel a DS is superior for them, it needn't be seen it as a personal insult to those who make a different choice. I can't say that I've ever seen any pro-DS person say anything resembling "those dumb RNY people" -- which seems to be what you're implying.
   — mmagruder

March 15, 2004
Some people... If they weren't bashing your surgery, they'd be bashing somebody else's surgery, whether it was WLS or otherwise. I look at it this way: Who gives a rat's patoot what type of WLS we chose (or had the option of choosing due to what the local medical community offered/what our insurance carrier would approve)? What counts now is what I do with it and my eating habits for the rest of my life. My hope is that all WLS post-ops find peace in their meal plans and body size - no matter what type of surgery we had!
   — Esse

March 15, 2004
I disagree with your statement that DSers put down RNY folk. I haven't seen that in 3 years as a member here. What I have seen is people stating their reasoning as to why they chose their particular surgery. Most DSers have taken extraordinary steps to research their chosen surgery and state their findings. <p>Nobody is saying you made the wrong choice. They are just stating why they made their particular choice. It baffles me that people get so offended because of someone else's choices and having the gall to state "why" they made that choice. They are then accused being a "RNY basher." Puh-leese! Be happy that you were blessed to have your surgery and that you are doing so well. Don't feel bad or get defensive about the choice you made. Be happy for everyone who is successful. All the various surgeries work if you comply with the rules.
   — artistmama

March 15, 2004
Hi Melodie, It's not that people bash rny over the Ds, but you also hear people bash ds over rny, over lap band etc...It dsn't matter why. You will always deal with people and each person has an opinion. It's just that, it's an opinion. People need to educate themselves as to what their surgery is and why. It's important to compare surgeries to make sure you're making an informed decision. You can't do that unless you know which one is best for you. Yes, the DS folk have a proven track record of less weight gain but that dsn't mean the surgery is right for everyone! I can out eat my DS if I tried,just like you can out eat your RNY pouch. I still need to be careful what I eat and make healthy choices, just as you do. Your surgery was/is right for you and mine was right for me. I get so tired of people acting stupid or superior about their procedure and only their's is the right one.
   — Linda M.

March 15, 2004
Along with DS vs RNY, there is also the lap band vs. the other WLS. What is a good thing is that we now have choices in what type of surgery to choose. For some though, like me two years ago, the RNY was the only one my insurance company would approve, as the lap band, which I admit, intrigued me, was brand new in this country. There is also the old debate on open vs. lap. Ahhh, what fun we have!!
   — Cindy R.

March 15, 2004
I don't know why, but it sure can be annoying. Many of the DS people seem to do nothing but rag on us, and brag about how much junk food they can still eat. Whatever.
   — Jim F

March 16, 2004
Melodee I have not read any bragging between types of surgeries. However, I think WLS of any type is an individual choice; each type needs dedication to change and maintain a healthier lifestyle for either to be successful. Even if someone could eat all the junk food they wanted - it would not be a reasonal choice - there would still be they health risks of diabetics, (you don't have to be obese to be unhealthy) high blood pressure, cholesterol increase and a host of dental problems.
   — Anna M.

March 16, 2004
IMO, choosing WLS is like choosing an investment strategy. Everyone needs to evaluate how much risk they're comfortable with. Greater returns, greater risk. It's also interesting that everyone needs to evaluate the potential side effects for themselves. People see the exact some thing differently. I've seen dumping viewed as a positive (Yeah! It'll keep me away from fat and sugar!) and a negative (Boo! I'll never be able to eat major quantities of fat and sugar!). Or, the less restricted menu of the DSrs can be viewed two ways (Yeah! I can eat whatever I want and lose weight! or BOO! I can eat whatever I want so will I eat healthy?). It all depends on you and how you look at it. There's no right or wrong for everyone, it's what you're comfortable with, and what will work for you. I chose the one that I felt was an appropriate benefit/risk ratio for me.
   — mom2jtx3

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