Extra vit. C, up protein prior to p/s? Any suggestions?

I've heard that prior to having Plastic Surgery one should up their vit C and up their protein to promote faster healing. Any one else heard this, or other suggestions. My plastic surgery is 4-1-04, TT & Breast lift/implants.    — Julie H. (posted on March 4, 2004)

March 4, 2004
Congrats on the upcoming surgery - I hope you enjoy your results as much as I do! I had both procedures you are having done last August, amongst others, and did not increase any daily vitamins or other supplements. I did however make sure that I was taking what I was supposed to, which I am not the best at. I would check with your Surgeon first, he/she knows best!
   — Chloe S.

March 4, 2004
It was my WLS surgeon who suggested protein loading prior to the TT he did and the PS who suggested making sure the C was up before the plastics. I have had way too many surgeries (starting from 30 yrs ago) and have not had infections or complications, as yet. My healing has come along nicely from all, but the more I've learned about being nutritionally sound, the easier the recoveries have been. The other thing is to make sure your iron is well into healthy elvels, not just swinging on the bottom rung, so to speak.
   — vitalady

March 4, 2004
Yes, and cut OUT vitamin E
   — mom2jtx3

March 5, 2004
Linda...what is the reason for cutting OUT Vitiman E? I have been taking Vitiman E for years. Apparently, it's good for the heart??? My surgery is scheduled in 2-1/2 wks!
   — steeladm

March 5, 2004
You are supposed to cut out Vitamin E 2 weeks prior to surgery, because it can cause bleeding problems during surgery.
   — Renee B.

March 5, 2004
Any good plastic surgeon will have you cut out Vitamin E up to two weeks (or more) prior to having surgery. All of my plastic surgeons have had me take 1000 mgs of vitamin c prior to surgery. Boning up on protein is also good. Did your plastic surgeon give you a list of medications to avoid? Mine had about a two page list and included anything containing aspirin. Also some herbal supplements are supposedly not good before surgery as they can interfere with anesthesia. Good luck!
   — Lisa N M.

March 5, 2004
Yes, Vit E is a blood thinner. I added several extra protein shakes a day and upped my Vit C, and after each surgery (revision, abdominoplasty, then breast reduction), my surgeons couldn't believe how well I healed. Hey, it sure can't hurt.
   — Leslie F.

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