Other health problems slow weight loss?

I had RNY on Jan. 21 and have currently lost only 23lbs. I understand we all lose at different rates, so I'm not looking for that kind of support. I am specifically seeking other slow-losers that may have subsequently discovered that there was an underlying cause. I believe that I have a low thyroid production, but levels are at the low range of normal so endocrinologist has not prescribed thyroid meds. But I feel that the "normal" range may not be normal for everyone. I have an appointment to see him on the 11th. So I am looking for more specific information to possibly share examples to him. He is the doc that recommended surgery to me in the first place. Thanks for the help.    — BarbieCarroll (posted on March 1, 2004)

March 2, 2004
Hi, I too feel like I am a slow looser. I had surgery on the 5th of Feb. 2004 and I have lost 24 1/2 lbs. I do have a HYPOACTIVE thyroid. I take 200MCG or .2 grams of Synthroid daily. I feel certain I am loosing slower than some because of my joint problems. I have an artificial knee and have had bone removed from both hips which make it very difficult for me to walk with any speed at all. The most walking I get done is when I go shopping at Wal-Mart or, like yesterday, when I got out and mowed the grass. It was great exercise for about 20 minutes, after that I was hurting so bad the lawnmower was PULLING me!!
   — cindirella

March 5, 2004
What exactly is your TSH, T3, T4. If your are saying you are on the lower end of normal your number should be on the higher end of the lab scale (ie TSH of 5.0).
   — Kerijohnson

March 6, 2004
I am also a slow loser. I actually began gaining weight at about seven months post op. I was hardly eating enough calories to get by. I was exercising, and still I gained weight. I went to the doctor and they checked my surgery and everything was still intact. I was blamed. I said "No, not this time" I demanded that they find out why I was gaining weight. I was diagnosed with PCOS, finally, at one year post op. I am taking medication for it and have continued to lose weight. It is coming off too slow for me. I am two years post op now. My body is still not working properly, But it is getting there. I am under the care of a great endocrinologist. Last month, at two years post op, I lost 5 pounds. I just have to keep doing the right things and hopefully my body will follow along:) Allison 400/238/175
   — Allison M.

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