Are ulcers common post op? TERRIFIED OF THE SCOPE

Several months ago I began experiencing severe pain in my stomach. I tried tums, mylanta and the possible over the counter remedies. I ended up at the doctors office. She seems to think it's an ulcer, but cannot be for certain unless I have a scope done. Well she prescribed Nexium and it seemed to help for a short while but now isn't doint it. My question is are ulcers normal and how horrible is this scope? Do they put you to sleep or do they shove the tube down your throat while you're awake??? Thanks for your help! By the way in case this matters I'm 3 years post op LAP RNY    — kristina p H. (posted on February 25, 2004)

February 25, 2004
I just went to the hospital yesterday, to be scoped, my surgeon suspected an ulcer. well it turned out to be a stricture. having an EGD is actually one of the most plesant experiences of my whole journey. they put you in a twilight sleep, you don't remember anything, and when you wake up you feel like you've just had the best nap of your life. the procedure takes about 15 min. don't worry, it's a piece of cake, it sure is way better than living with an ulcer. they are common and if not taken care of soon could become worse. i wish you luck.
   — Michelle R.

February 25, 2004
I too am scared of ulcers.
   — boboma25

February 25, 2004
I too am three years post op. At a year out I started having backaches (not do to wls) and I was taking codiene on an empty stomach. Needless to say I did'nt do this long but evidently it did some damage. I "think" I have an ulcer too. My surgeon wanted to scope me but I'm to chicken. I talked with my regular doctor and she said IF I had an ulcer they would treat it with Nexium anyway. So I've been taking that. So far it is working. I'm going to stay away from the scope as long as possible. I've had 15 surgeries in my life and more than enough pain. This scope I really fear.
   — Danmark

February 25, 2004
An endoscopy is a piece of cake! This time last year, I was in a lot of pain. My gastrologist ordered an ultra sound (to check my gallbladder) and an endoscopy (to check for an ulcer), since I had symtoms of both. Turns out to be "just" an ulcer, but a huge one! I was put on mega doses of Nexium (80 mg daily, taken in two doses) and after 3 months, had another scope, which showed the ulcer just about healed. I stayed on Nexium another 3 months. The worst part of the scope was setting up the IV line! Once the medication started flowing, I went out like a light, and woke up in the recovery area. I felt great and had no drowsiness or sore throat. If you suspect an ulcer....don't wait! I had had a backache for months, and wrote it off to an uncomfortable chair at work. It wasn't until I started taking Advil for a sprained back (from shoveling snow) did I feel any pain in my stomach. The Advil started the ulcer bleeding, which led to anemia....which snowballed into severe anemia after having plastic surgery in Sept. Five months later, and while my hematocrit counts are low normal, we're still working on getting my iron stores back up.
   — Cyndie K.

February 25, 2004
I was terrified pre-op about being scoped. The worst part was the IV. I don't remember a thing and felt fine afterwards. Just like I had fallen asleep to take a nap. Dr's use different types of anesthesia mine used Diprovan. Basically it wears off as soon as they quit giving it to you.
   — jenafwife

February 25, 2004
I am so glad to hear all of you speak about ulcers. I think I may have an ulcer that's why I am scared about my pre-op tests. I just hope everything works out for me.
   — ladyspann

February 25, 2004
The only thing painful about a scope is the IV needle! They give ya great drugs (Versed), and you take a nice nap. You'll wake up a while later, not remembering anything, no pain . . .
   — RWH G.

February 25, 2004
Hey.. I got scoped pre op. I was given the drugs, Versed and Fentenyl and I was still WIDE AWAKE for the whole thing. I remember every detail and it was not good. I don't want to scare you but be aware not everyone goes all the way "out". If I ever have to have another I am going to another doc who will promise me I won't remember it. Discuss this with them AT LENGTH cause my experience was that basically they did just ram that scope right on down my throat. I am so sorry to tell you this but I wanted to know all possibilities before I had mine. I also posted here and asked everyone I knew. The majority of people do great, don't feel or remember anything. Also out of all the people I knew personally that had them only one guy had the same experience I did. Everyone else loved the drugs and said it was a nice nap! The only "good" thing I can say about my experience with it was it was over pretty quick and afterward I was fine other than getting over the spray they use to numb your throat. Good luck and sorry to post a negative response! Pam in GA
   — Pam B.

February 25, 2004
I have had 4 scopes in 4 years - slept through them all. Worst of all is having bouncing veins for the IV and the not-so-yummy spray to numb the throat. Other than that, I really enjoyed the nap, which I can ALWAYS use :)
   — kultgirl

February 25, 2004
Pam, bless you for posting your negative! IF I do have to be scoped eventually I will make dang sure to INSIST on being out! Everyone always says they are out... buttttt. I'm so sorry that it happened to you, but thanks again for posting so hopefully the rest of us can avoid it. ;)
   — Danmark

February 26, 2004
HI! I am the queen of endescopes. I've had 7 of them for 7 strictures. NO SWEAT. Versed works like a charm. I had my first 2 EGD's wide awake,coz I drove myself.= No fun. The other 5, I had versed and other IV drugs. You take a nap, wake up, and go home with your driver. You and Daniel go for your EGD. 7 down for me, and although it is easy and painless with drugs, I don't care if I have any more of them or not. Go for it. Take it from the EGD queen, they are NO big deal with drugs!!! Good luck, proximal rny...June 23, 2003...295/194/170?
   — Kathy R.

February 27, 2004
I too have an ulcer. The GI doc did an endoscopy last Nov. and I hate to say it but it was pretty bad. They started an IV and gave me Versed and demerol (which is suppose to produce a twilight sleep and have an amnesiac effect) and it didn't work, I mean not at all. The nurse said that they gave me enough for 3 people, but it still did nothing. I was completly alert, awake and remember everything about the 15 min ordeal. The doctor even yelled at me because I couldn't stop moving or crying while he was doing it and had a hard time with the biopsy (to check if the ulcer should be treated with antibiotics) The best advice I can give you is make sure you are sedated and if you are not, tell them to stop (but once the tube is down you throat you can't speak any more, so be sure if you are having a problem speak up before they insert the scope). There are tons of different medication they can give you for pain and sedation, insist that they do it properly! (There was no excuse for what happened to me, and I am still pissed) I am so sorry you have to go through this and as many people have written, to some an endoscopy is not a problem, but for me it was. lydia~
   — lydia M.

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