I'm 3 weeks post op, (open RYN)....and i feel like crap.....

I feel so week and tired all the time. I vometed 2x and have almost no appetite. I also have cramps in my calfs and a daily headache. Is all this normal? Please help !!!    — Janice C. (posted on February 14, 2004)

February 14, 2004
how much protein are you getting in daily? in week 3 I moved from liquids onto soft foods, and I stopped drinking protein shakes, and as a result my protein intake fell, and I quickly started to feel awful, I got my protein intake back up to 50-60 grams a day and I felt sooo much better. <br><br> As for appetite, I still don't have one at 2.5 months post up, but I usually eat something every 2 to 3 hours in order to get my protein in. Cramps in your calves can be lack of potassium. look for foods that have potassium. Banannas, also yogurt, Carnation instant breakfast has potassium as well.
   — Patricia T.

February 14, 2004
Janice, what if anything did you have to eat or drink right before you got sick? The only times I've gotten sick is if I've over eaten, even slightly, or had something with high sugar content, which I rarely do. (I know everyone is different, so this may not even apply to your situation) I feel that if you are feeling that sick, and the headache, that maybe you should call your Doctor. you are only 3 weeks out, it might be something as simple at just not getting enough of something. What kinds of foods are you up to? Are you getting in enough water? vitamins? But I would check with him and see if he might want some blood work done. ::KISS:: good luck to you, I'm sure every thing will be fine in time. BTW the lack of appetite is very normal after any surgery involving general anasthesia :sp: I've had a few different surgeries and all of them I was without much of an appetite for about 4 months. Lap RNY 5/5/03 down 112lbs. :-)
   — KellyJeanB

February 14, 2004
i was the same way for 2 months aftewr, very weak and tired all the time ,sick to my stomach, but it goes away really it does. have a successful journey.
   — virginia R.

February 14, 2004
hi, I felt the same way for about the first 2 mths after surgery, it is very normal to be tired alot until your body starts to heal, I am now a year post op and still get tired on occassion towards the end of the mth until I get my b 12 shot which is once a mth around the end of each mth then I boost up again and that really helps, but it will get better so hang in there!
   — Melodee S.

February 14, 2004
Muscle cramps and weakness can be a sign of low potassium which can be dangerous.. it can cause arrythmias (irregular heartbeats) not to mention making you feel totally like crap. I suggest seeing either your pcp or surgeon for a blood test. I had this shortly after surgery.. v8 juice is high in potassium but you would have to drink a lot of it to get the 100 % that we need... Go get a blood test! Good luck.. Pam in GA
   — Pam B.

February 14, 2004
Hi Janice: Time to call your doctor. Really. I had the same symptoms and it was acute dehydration. It can happen before you realize what's going on and it can play total havoc with your system. I ended up back in the hospital for IV's to get my system straightened out. Nothing to ignore. Take good care. Polly
   — Jackie O.

February 14, 2004
Janice, I didn't have any appetite until about 5 1/2 months postop, so that's probably normal. The calf pain is most likely a potassium deficiency. My surgeon had me taking potassium supplements while I was on the liquid protein shakes (HMR in my case). The headaches could very well be dehydration. Until you can see or talk to your Dr. you should drink, drink, drink and then drink some more (water of course). Make it a top priority to call your surgeon. He's probably the best one to diagnose and treat you. Good luck and hang in there - it does get better!
   — aferrendelli

February 15, 2004
I'm worried about having the same problem...I have it now and have since I was 10 years old and I haven't had surgery yet!! I was worried about it with my first pregnancy and my doc suggested Caltrate has calcium, magnesium and potassium...(purple label).When I am a good girl and take it..I have no problems......When I don't take it...there's a big difference. You won't really notice it's working until you stop it. Mine too may be part caused me to go into premature labor twice. Good luck...hope it stops soon.
   — Peggy T.

February 15, 2004
Not to keep harping lol but I also had horrible leg cramps....potassium potassium potassium....after a few days of taking it GONE. Felt so much better. Come to find out my centrum chewables had no potassium in them at all. Dont worry I am a little over 2 months out and the first few weeks were the toughest it DOES get easier lol I had doubts myself. Good luck
   — victoria W.

February 15, 2004
I felt like crap until about 8 weeks post op, I was always tired and never hungry and didn't feel like eating or drinking or exercising. My cycle came at about 3 weeks post op for me and everything was downhill from there. When I got to 8 weeks I started doing much better. I had gone to work on the 8th week and I was getting a minimum of 80 grams of protein and drinking 40 oz of water as well as walking 15 min on my lunch breaks. I suggest trying to get all your protein and water and get some exercise. I know those things really help me to feel better. When I got back into the real world things started looking up for me. I suggest world wide protein from trader joes, it has 35 grams per can and tastes pretty good and because it is RTU you can take it anywhere. Good luck Angie
   — Angie Taylor

February 20, 2004
Janice, sorry this is so late in coming. I hope you are feeling better but just a thought on the headaches. I had them and they are sometimes from sugar withdrawl. Good luck on your journey
   — Stacy J.

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