Has anyone experienced lower back pain

I am almost 6 months postop and down 93 lbs. The last couple of weeks my back has been hurting in the very lower part. It is a dull ache and it comes and goes. I have not didi anything to cause this and I wonder if it could be a kidney infection or something. I drink anywhere from 100 to 120 ounces of water a day. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks    — cindylou56 (posted on January 12, 2004)

January 12, 2004
I'm a pre-op, but I've heard other post-ops at my support group meeting talk about back pain in association with the excess skin that hangs from their stomachs. Could that possibly be it?
   — Shayna T.

January 12, 2004
I was told by my doctor and chiropractor that my backpain was due to my weight dropping and your body shifts and you're walking different. This causes muscles to be used that probably wasn't used before because your posture is different. Mine started at about 2 months post-op and is almost gone now and I'm going on 7 months now.
   — kkubinski99

January 12, 2004
Hmm... kidney infections are usually located on the left or right side, directly below the rib cage--have you been running a fever at all? It sounds more like unspecified muscle strain or possibly a disc problem that's recently been aggravated. If you're worried, I would go to, type in "back pain," and go through their symptom checker to determine your plan of action. I've used their site for years (for back pain and fibromyalgia), and their information is usually pretty accurate-- and more thorough than anything I could list here!
   — Stephanie M.

January 12, 2004
I am also 6 months post-op and I have lower back pain too! It's off and on and I just associated it with my weight loss and my body adjusting. If you are really worried about it, see your doc!
   — Terri G.

January 13, 2004
I swear my back pain is from my stomach full of excess skin etc...everything has settled there.....the pain feels like it did when I was pregnant and as gross as it sounds if I gather it all up and hold it in my arms the pain lessens. Guess I need a girdle....or a tummy tuck!
   — nani68

January 13, 2004
My back pain became almost unbearable starting at around a 75 pound loss. Shopping or just standing in the kitchen while cooking was aweful. I had a TT at 9 months out after losing around 140 pounds, and the back pain became a major factor in receiving insurance approval. After having over 10 pounds of excess skin removed, my back pains are gone and I feel great and now wear sizes 6/8's!
   — Sabra_D

January 13, 2004
I have the back pain as well. I asked by physician on my last visit about it. He said it was expected because of the excess body mass I have lost. The fat was cushioning. The ackyness will get better. My tail bone is the worse. When I am fly it gets VERY uncomfortable.
   — jcooper

January 13, 2004
I was having the smae pains and mine turned out to be from a Urinary Tract Infection. I suggest you go in to get checked, its a simple urine test that they look at under a microscope. I've had 3 UTI's in the past 9 months and now have a full blown Uterine Infection. They said its from the catheter after surgery. ~Jessi
   — Jessica C.

January 13, 2004
To Jessica; so glad you posted your response. I've had two UTIs since surgery. Hadn't had one in over 25 years before that so I was wondering whether it could be linked to the WLS.
   —  SCbabe B.

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