Anyone with experience in Chrismas Disease?

Does anyone have any experience in dealing with Christmas Disease or Factor IX clotting disorders? I was scheduled for surgery on 12-22 and now that this has surfaced it has been canceled until there is more information. I'm just curious if anyone has had this deficiency and still had surgery. FYI - the disease only affects males, but females are carriers of the gene mutation and can have similar side affects. Thanks for your help.    — BarbieCarroll (posted on December 20, 2003)

December 20, 2003
If you go to and type in Factor IX clotting disorders you will find many links/references about this problem. Here's one I found: <BR><BR> <BR><BR> Hope they find some answers for you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 20, 2003
Hi, I don't have a Factor IX clotting disorder, but I do have what they call a platelet adhesion disorder. A normal person's clotting time is around seven minutes and mine is 19 minutes. I had an open RNY in Feb 2003. I take a nasal spray before surgery called DDAVP that speeds up the clotting time and I also had my blood banked ahead of time just in case there was an emergency (I also have a rare blood type AB+). Since the surgery the only complication I've had is increased bruising but I take a Vitamin K supplement and that seems to help a little. Good Luck!
   — Kendell C.

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