
i was wondering if someone could help my sister in law. she is going to have to have a psych evaluation done and is wondering if someone could send her a list of the possible questions that will be asked of her. she is scared and worried so i told her that i would try to help. please let me or her know if you can help. email [email protected] or [email protected] thank you in advance.    — Tammy B. (posted on December 18, 2003)

December 18, 2003
Most docs have their own set of questions but there are some standard ones. My advice, just be honest! Good luck!
   — sunkissed kid

December 18, 2003
I know when I went for my psych he just asked the usual questions like what is your family life like? what do you feel this surgery will change for you? what are your expectations of surgery? we talked about my mom dad siblings children my hobbies, my future hopes and dreams my school experience and being overweight. Then I took a test that was 300 questions about stuff like do you drink are you suicidal do you have a temper.. yada yada yada.. Nothing to worry about. I havent heard of anyone failing the test. Lets face it what is normal in this day and age anyway. Most of us are working parents and trying to do 100 things at once. I figure we are all a little nutty now and then.. LOLOL Good luck to your sister. Janeen Surgery January 2003
   — Vitabella

December 18, 2003
When I went for my psych eval the Dr. said the main concern for these type of evals, was to make sure there were no mental problems, such as schizophrenia,etc...He said this could very well comprise a successful outcome. Just relax and be yourself. God Bless on your new journey.
   — Myrna E.

December 18, 2003
My psych wanted to know that I knew exactly what the surgery would do to my body and how I would have to change my life afterwards. She also wanted to know a little about my family and what sort of support (or lack of it) I would have from them. If anyone in the family isn't really supportive that doesn't hurt your chances for approval, especially if you know it and have a plan for how to cope with it. Then comes the part that made me chuckle a little in spite of myself. I was given a sort of standard profile test to fill out that literally had about 580 questions on it! Many were the same question asked over and over and in different ways. The doc said don't worry if I answer inconsistently on one question, because it's covered so many ways that one "off" answer won't skew the results. They're really just looking for basic emotional stability, no big mental illnesses like one poster already mentioned, and enough flexibility to adjust to the changes. Also that you're realistic about what to expect. Hope this helps, and sorry I can't send those 580 questions along! ;o)
   — Chyrl W.

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