Alcohol how can I stop?

I'm drinking more and eating less....not that I ate alot anyway.....but what I need is some guidance on this.... I have exchanged one addiction for another and it's bothering me so. I am not happy at all during the day unless I have had a drink....Im scared and dont need ridicule....just some sound advice .....HELP!!!!!    — NikkiCarter (posted on December 9, 2003)

December 8, 2003
Seek counseling for your addiction(s) and/or attend AA meetings. It's common for addictive personalities to switch one for another so don't let the drinking get the best of you. Maybe try exercising or doing another activity when you think about drinking. Good luck on your journey.
   — Starrlina

December 9, 2003
Nikki: You have already taken a big step in recognizing that you have a problem. I give you a lot of credit for posting this here. Does your doctor have a weight management plan, or a team of counselors, etc., who might be able to help? A lot of larger hospitals have these types of programs. As the other poster mentioned, AA might be a good thing to try, although personally, I would prefer working one-on-one with someone. You're already making progress by writing this post. I'm sorry I can't offer you any more solid advice, just support. Good luck.
   — Carlita

December 9, 2003
Hi there! I agree that you should be glad that you recognize what you are doing. You actually already know the answer. Dr. Phil always says, you can't just stop, you have to replace one habit/behavior for another. Your problem is that you replaced it with another unhealthy thing. Try again, but this time, replace it with something that is healthy. Think of things that are relaxing and rewarding to you that is not going to jepordize your health. Good Luck and God Bless. You can overcome this too!
   — Michele B.

December 9, 2003
Besides food and alcohol, what does make you happy? When you can answer that, replace the alcohol addiction with that. Also, remove all alcohol from the house. If it's not around less likely to have it. And check out AA. They provide you with a buddy so that when your feeling weak, you can reach out for support. I admire you for recognizing a problem and asking for help.
   — Cindy R.

December 10, 2003
Alcoholics's listed in every phone book and they have a website. I am a member of Overeater's Anonymous, which deals with my primary addiction (food.) You will find help, support and encouragement. Trust me.
   — Linda B.

December 11, 2003
If you're not ready for AA (and you do have to be ready for it before it will help) I'm sure you had to have a psych evaluation before surgery. If you don't have a counselor and aren't keen on striking up a relationship with a new one, you've at least seen somebody once. Possibly your psych eval. counselor deals with post-ops on a regular basis. I know the one my surgeon sent me to for the evaluation counsels post-ops and all of the new and ever-so-exciting issues we face. Just an alternate idea. Good Luck.
   — Ryan M.

December 11, 2003
Well, I am probably going to get bashed for saying this, but I as well enjoy drinking a lot more now than pre-op, but, I am in the bar, and it's about once or twice a week, mostly just one time a week though. I really enjoy the attention of being out, and I think that the drinking goes along with it. Do you like just drinking all by yourself? If so, please do get some help, but I find that I do enjoy drinking more so, but it's a social thing, and it's because 110 pounds ago, I wouldn't have been out there..... I don't know. Good luck to you
   — sheri H.

December 11, 2003
I am almost 6 months post op and probably drink on a daily basis....meaning I have a glass of wine or a pint of beer a day and sometimes on the weekends when I am out with friends a little more. I make sure that whatever food crosses my lips has nutritional value and I work out at the gym an hour a day 5 days a week. Even though i drink more now than I did pre-op I don't feel that I have a problem at all, my life is far more balanced now than it ever has been and I am enjoying my life more than I ever have. Moderate alcohol has health benefits according to most studies out there....if you are getting drunk on a daily basis then I would say sek help but look at the big might just be enjoying life more to its fullest than you ever have been.....for some that includes a nice glass of wine or a fine ale almost daily....for some it doesn't, just put it into perspective for you and then I think you know the answer to your quandry.
   — Sarah S.

December 11, 2003
Try AA or a support group. I know the vision of AA is a bunch of drunks but they have some very good therapy strategies. My friend goes to them even through she doesn't drink. After her son died she needed somewhere and went. They helped her a lot. At least you KNOW you are staring on a road you don't want to go down.
   — Rebecca K.

December 15, 2003
Okay, this may sound stupid, but I had a really serious issue with stress eating. I HAD to have something when I was seriuosly stressed. It was my main stay to cope with life. Obviously that was part of the bad choices I made prior to the wls that helped to get me fat, so I had to be careful. I decided to eat dry cereal. I would get a box of cereal and snack until I was comfortably full and then stop. In 30 mins or an hour, if I still wanted it, I would eat some more. I never limited myself of how much or when, I just ate it whenever I was having head issues. It was a relief to feel like I was able to relax & snack, not being so rigid on all the many things we had to do postop to do it all right. And after a year and a half or so, I noticed I hardly ever do it anymore! But I had to allow myself one thing where I didn't have to rigidly conform, I could do whatever I wanted. And the freedom of knowing I could do it and wasn't going to beat myself up about it was freeing to me. I pretty much eat whatever I want now, so I don't feel so constrained like I did at first following the strict diet; but in the first year or so I felt I needed a release. I decided overall it was better to have one then to mess everything up. In the past I have had counseling about issues from my past that helped me. But this was something that seemed really important to me at the time. Maybe you need some release valve too, but have chosen unwisely to use alcohol. Maybe you could think about something else that will help you feel the release, and that you could let yourself relax on that will help you through this time. The other suggestions for exercise or other activities are good things. But I know for me it was eating something and when my time of need was reduced, I didn't eat it as much either. Now I very rarely do it. For some reason, now that I can have whatever I want, it doesn't seem like such an issue anymore. Of course, you may be having much more serious issues than just dealing with head hunger, etc that you haven't been able to mention which have lead you to this issue. Go see a counselor. They really can help you identify what the issues are and why you are reacting to them the way you are. It is really freeing to know why we do what we do, then we can make choices about it instead of feeling driven! The point here is not that you are having a problem with alcohol, it is what is behind the feelings you are having, if you can get help to resolve them, the alcohol will probably no longer be the issue. Right now it is your focus. And the longer it is a focus, the harder you will have to refocus. Be sure to get some help soon. Just knowing you are uncomfortable with what is happening is a start, don't stop there. Good Luck to you. email me if you'd like to chat. karen (open rny 9/6/01, 297/144)
   — Karen M.

November 11, 2009
Nikki, I have found myself in a similar situation. I found, over the past 12-18 months that I was drinking more than before. Recently, I had a situation where all of a sudden drinks, especially those high is sugar, really started to hit me. I would go from fine to falling over very quickly. I decided I needed to take a little break. I removed all alcoholic beverages from my house and allow myself one martini when I go out to eat. I don't drink w/o eating and I have my husband to remind me of this past halloween when I don't remember giving out candy for the last hour of the night. Good luck and bless you for admitting you have an issue
   — Jennifer P.

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