5 months out and all I want to do is eat!

I have lost about 60 pounds or so and now it seems like all I want to do is eat. I work full time, have 2 children 6 and 2 years, it seems like I should be more preoccupied with living rather than eating. I really have little or no time to exercise so does anyone have any suggestions other than prayer? Thanks.    — Amy P. (posted on November 30, 2003)

November 30, 2003
well, now the honeymoon period is about over and your appitite is returning that is normal. don't try to starve yourself just eat decent things. my doctor said upto six meals/snacks a day and it seemed to work ok for me. have your regular three meals during the day and try to eat between every two to four hours. with in between meals having something like cheese, nuts, yogurt, jerky or cottage cheese. best luck, kimberly open distal rny 11/12/02 -130lbs
   — kimberly T.

November 30, 2003
Yes.<P>Protein first, meaning, eat dense, protein foods so your pouch stays full longer on better food. This is the point at which you'll notice (if you haven't already) that carbs, such as crackers, popcorn, and various junk foods, don't fill up the pouch for very long, if at all. That's why Rule Number One is Protein First.<P>Eat several small meals during the day rather than three bigger "square" meals. This may help with your surging hunger between meals. But, be sure to be aware what you're eating, and to "count" it all, so it doesn't add up to too much.<P>Finally, if something's triggering your increased hunger -- be it a type of food, or stress issues -- *now* is the time to get a handle on it.
   — Suzy C.

November 30, 2003
Amy, I was basically the same way..... another post op told me about sunflower seeds.... I didnt know if you knew that we can have those or not, I didnt. I like to shell them in my mouth, it keeps my mouth busy and we arent taking very much in... also, beef jerky, I suck everything out of it and spit out the big part that you normally would swallow. That helped me a lot.... It is better now than it was then, I dont think about eating constantly TOO much anymore. Good luck.
   — rebecca J.

November 30, 2003
I had the same problem at about 5-months. I am currently 9-months post-op. I wanted to eat everything in site!!! So as previously recommended eat PROTEIN FIRST. If you are hungry eat protein, the Gold Balance bars (Nut Blast) yummy taste like snickers bar. I feel like I am getting back to that point, this time I think it was triggered with too much snacking on bad things like crackers etc. Best wishes!!!
   — Tie C.

December 1, 2003
I know you said you have little time to exercise (and with two little ones, thats obvious), however if you can build just 20 minutes a day into your schedule, it will be worth it. Won't hubby watch them while you get some exercise, or can you join a gym that has day care? Exercise helps to burn calories, so you can eat more. It also tempers the appetite. As Suzy C said, go for the denser proteins to stay full longer. And lower the carb intake-more carbs, the more you crave. And eat every few hours, small amounts. Not to get full, just to feel satisfied. Hope this helps.
   — Cindy R.

December 1, 2003
The same thing happened to me at about 5 months out. It's normal, don't panic. I agree with the others that if you stick to the rules (protein first, stay away from refined carbohydrates, get in at least 64 ounces of liquid a day--more is better, and take all your vitamins) you'll be fine. It's natural to be able to eat more now, and for the weight loss to slow down. I also find it helps for me to eat four times a day so that I don't get overly hungry. I have two cups of Rocomojo soy bean coffee substitute (26 grams of protein, no carbs) as I get ready for work, a small breakfst (deli meat and cheese rolled up, or a 6 ounce containeer of yogurt with a tablespoon of Grape Nuts, or a boiled egg) two hours later. Then I'll have lunch around noon(generally 2 to 3 ounces of dense protein, and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of vegetables), an afternoon snack around 3:30 (usually a couple of ounces of cheese or nuts), and then dinner, similar to lunch, around 6:00 pm. Sometimes I'll have another small snack around 8:00, but lately I've found that a cup of decaf coffee or tea then satisfies me without adding calories. As for the exercise, do what you can. It doesn't have to be a formal program--all movement is good.
   — Vespa R.

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