Does anyone know of any doctors who perform WLS and will arrange for a payment plan?

I have Cigna insurance and I am pretty sure they will not pay for my surgery.    — Rose G. (posted on November 29, 2003)

November 29, 2003
Can you take out a loan? Get an equity line (if you own a house)? I am self-pay as well, and I know the hospital I am having my surgery at made me pay in full when I pre-registered at the hospital (about 2 weeks before surgery)
   — Patricia T.

November 29, 2003
Hi Rose, Have you considered self-paying by taking out a loan? Or maybe using retirement money? Or do you know someone who would make a personal loan? I know people who have sold homes, land, cars, collections, etc to self-pay for surgery. It's not easy - believe me, I know! Please feel free to read my story at - believe me, I can relate! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

November 29, 2003
My insurance denied me. I tried everything to get approval. Nothing worked. They are self insured. I had written everybody. Then the Gov. Bushes office told me about Voc. Rehab. They are paying 100%. All states have it.
   — sherri parker

November 30, 2003
I have Cigna and they paid for mine. I think you should try to get approved and if they deny you than go through the appeal process. Have you tried this yet? Good Luck
   — shbama

December 1, 2003
Cigna paid for mine too. I didn't even have to appeal.
   — Margaret G.

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