Has anyone POSTOP gone OFF depo provera, if so...did you have any problems?

Ive been on it for a year now and just wnat to know whats gonna happen to me.    — sandrac131 (posted on November 18, 2003)

November 18, 2003
I am not yet postop but was a depo provera user for over six years. I was started on it to correct a homonal imbalance when I was 14 and never had a period while on it. Now off of it for over 2 years and still haven't had one. I have now been diagnosed has having PCOS something that was never even hinted at when I was younger. I never had any symptoms of PCOS before in my life. I was like clockwork. Now the website for the medication has a disclaimer that it may cause infertility in some and should not be used in young teenagers. Since I don't have a cycle a cannot get pregnant, not too mention that also gained over 100 pounds while on this medication. I was a chunky child but was growing out of it when put on depo and now I need to have surgery to help take it off. So in response to your question I would get off of it and on to something else quickly. I am 21 and cannot have childeren even though my doctor assured me this medication was perfectly safe.
   — Tabitha D.

November 19, 2003
I went off of Depo after being almost 2 years post op and have not had any complications or side effects at all. I still have not gotten my period back yet but my doc says that could take up to a year.
   — charlene P.

November 19, 2003
I answered this question when you posted it earlier, I apologize for not being a post-op, but don't discount what the other respondants had to say. I think all opinions count, try being more specific next time if you don't want to waste your time on pre-ops.
   — Erinn D.

November 20, 2003
I was on Depo for 8 yrs before my WLS surgery. I was torn with going off of it but within the first 11 months of going on Depo I gained 56 lbs. I had my last Depo shot just before my surgery 2 1/2 yrs ago. It took within 1 yr. before I got my period back. I loved the Depo as I wasn't Cybil and I was very even in nature. Now, I'm definetly hormonal and now my period is only 3 days and nothing like what it used to be. I miss the depo but for me, it wasn't worth the potential in hindering my weight loss. Good luck and best wishes.
   — Linda M.

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