What if the Dr. I saw wouldn't give me a referral?

The Dr. that I was seeing about 4 years ago who was excellent about trying to help me with my weight loss unexpectedly past away a while back. Since then I have had a hard time finding someone who understands the pain and frustration of dieting. I recently had picked a new Dr. whom I have only seen twice before. I went to see her today to see if she would give me a referral and she wouldn't. Instead, she referred to me to another diet. I burst into tears because as I know, all of you know how dieting has worked for us in the past. I know I qualify, I weigh 250 pounds, my ENTIRE family has diabetes, high blood pressure, my father died of a heart attack at age 51, and with my last pregnacy, (my baby is now 9 months old), I had gestational diabetes, so I know my time is running short for avoiding more serious health problems than I already have. Help, now what do I do?    — Cathy H. (posted on November 8, 2003)

November 7, 2003
The answer is very simple: FIND ANOTHER DOC!!!!!!!!. From what you have written, you most likely will qualify. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

November 7, 2003
Cathy, I am so sorry I know how frustrating it is.. But you need to find another doc. Also make sure you go in with info stats on wls, tell of your family history, everything that would show that this is the right decision. Hang in there and search for a wls friendly doc. Good Luck and ((((Hugs))))
   — hillafb U.

November 7, 2003
I agree with the previous posters - find another PCP...JR
   — John Rushton

November 7, 2003
Cathy, You need to find a supportive doctor not a controlling one who thinks they can fix you with another diet. My internist was in favor of me having surgery because he knew I had tried many things and was extremely successful at losing but not maintaining. He assumed I would get a banded procedure and was shocked when he found out it was an RNY because it's so drastic. Fortunately je still supported me and has made it clear he will be there for me and work with my situation. <p>Recently a friend, who has the same internist, decided to have surgery and he was pushing his liquid diet program, which he has yet to get going again, but when she said this is what she wanted he did not stand in her way and refuse a referral. So even though this surgery isn't his first choice he still does support us in our decision to have it. In my opinion that's the PCP's role. They are not GOD and know what is and isn't right for us. <p>Call the surgeon's office and find out some of the doctor's they usually work with and who their pateints have. That's the easiest way to find a WLS supportive PCP.
   — zoedogcbr

November 7, 2003
I dont know what type of insurance you have.. I for one had a PPO and DID NOT need a referral - I just called the surgeons office and made the appointment. IF your with an HMO that requires referrals, I would look on here for people that have had surgery that have your insurance and find otu who they used as their PCP and then change...
   — star .

November 8, 2003
Look up people in your area on this site. Email them and ask them their who their Primary Care Dr. was. Then go with that person. I took a chance with a new Dr. I walked into his office with a two page Excel spreadsheet detailing every diet I had been on from the time I was 12. I estimated my mother spent $5000 trying to get me to lose weight between 12-18 and I spent $10,000 from 18-30. He would have referred me anyway, but I think the information helped seal the deal.
   — mrsmyranow

November 8, 2003
Just wanted to tell you...DON'T GIVE UP! No matter how discouraged you get, someone on this site will continue to support you! Do NOT let an ignorant doctor (who despite her medical degree, is NOT God!) stand in your way!
   — kathy B.

November 8, 2003 just tell your PCP that is what you came for and if he wont give it to you you will find a PCP who will and wouldn't he rather keep you and you family as patients and just write the referral? That is how I put it to my Dr. and I had the referral in 48 hours.
   — Sarah S.

November 8, 2003
Hi Cathy- Sorry you had such a bad experience with your PCP! I finally found a great doc but it was purely luck :o) I agree with the posters who said to call your surgeon and ask for a WLS-friendly PCP. Also, if you check in the "peers" section of this site and find some folks in your area, maybe you could ask them who they're using as their PCP? Please don't let this unsympathetic PCP get you down! Maybe HMO's or insurance co's are paying her NOT to allow WLS? Good Luck :o) Mea
   — Mea A.

November 9, 2003
That's easy, call your surgeon and ask them to give you a name of a PCP they have worked with that they know is WLS supportive. Also ask the people in your local support groups in your area. Good Luck, and don't give up!
   — Michele B.

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