How difficult is it to have a breast reduction and what should I do to prepare?

I have about 45lbs. more to go and am still a 38DDD! Dr. said to start shopping for a plastic surgeon and maybe have the surgery in March or April. Any advice for insurance approval or experience with the surgery? I have BCBS PPO and live in Denver. Thanks!    — Michele B. (posted on November 1, 2003)

November 1, 2003
See a plastic surgeon that is part of your medical plan. They will take photos and get all of your symptoms, like back pain, shoulder grooves, head/neck aches, rashes etc. Get any other doctors records to show this, like a chiro, family doc etc.The surgeon will write a letter of medical necessity and send to your insurance. Personally, I first would lose the weight because I always thought I'd need a reduction, but ended up having a lift instead. All paid by insurance for the same reasons as the reduction. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

November 1, 2003
hello, i had breast reduction years before my wls. in 98, well i would do it again because the wls, was so painful to me, the breast reduction was a breeze let me tell you, thats why i thought the wls would be easy for me but it was the most painful thing i have ever experienced in my life, for a 2 whole weeks. you will be amazed how you feel and look after you are healed!! shelly poe
   — shellypoe

November 1, 2003
I had a reduction almost a year exactly before I had the wls and it was one of the best things that I have ever done. I had always had a large breast size even when I was smaller and I knew if I lost the weight my breast size would remain the same. At the same time I got my reduction I also got a lift. Honestly, it was quite painful, even more so than the wls. But it is well worth it!
   — Amanda B.

November 2, 2003
I had my breast reduction almost three years ago and it was the best thing I have ever done, even bowling over the WLS. It was almost painless. It felt like I had a tight, constricting bra on that I couldn't take off, but not really pain. Now that I am four months out of my WLS I am worried that the "B" I was left with will end up being an A-. But hey I will take it.
   — lindadougherty

November 3, 2003
With the exception of the WLS my breast reduction in 97 was the best thing I ever did. Honestly it was very painful, much more so then the WLS. But well worth it. My doctor took pictures and sent them to the insurance, thankfully I was approved in about two weeks. Good Luck.
   — D L.

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