Does anyone else feel like they have one foot on a banana peel?

and the other on the grave. I am only 50 years old and I told my husband that I feel like I'm about 80. I have so much wrong with me and have so much trouble walking, I get so SOB that I feel like I am going to die. I am hoping to have surgery either the end of Nov or beginning of Dec. God, this is such an awful feeling. I literally feel like I'm going to die every night when I go to bed. Nobody really talks about whether they feel like this. I have read alot of profiles but noone seems to bitch as much as I do. Maybe I'm just searching for a hall to throw a pity party for myself. Please help! Claire    — gramof3 (posted on October 24, 2003)

October 24, 2003
Hi Claire! I think when we make a decision as big as this one -to have a pretty drastic surgery - part of the process is taking a really honest look at our health - particularly at our age (I'm 55 - got you way beat but still in the same neighborhood!). We're not aiming to be in Vogue - we want good health! So looking honestly at the increased health risks we have can be very scary. I was fortunate to not have suffered any irreversible health damage - but my labs were a mess (high lipids, blood sugar), my blood pressure was barely controlled on two meds and I was short of breath with most any activity and exhausted all the time. I ached all over and my feet just about killed me. I knew if I didn't lose weight I was looking at life-threatening complications from being morbidly obese. So yeah, I can relate. Once I made the decision to have surgery I couldn't wait to have it over with so I could feel better. I remember one night in particular walking to my car after work (at a 12 hour desk job) and my feet hurting so bad and being so out of breath I almost had to sit down before I got to my car. I told myself to never forget that horrible feeling and I haven't. Now when I'm walking to my car my feet don't hurt at all and I'm not a bit short of breath! Of course I'm still 55 so yes, I'm tired after a long day at work but nothing like before - 72 lbs ago. I have 30-50 lbs more to lose but even so the difference is just phenomenal and I feel like every day I get a little healthier. My fear has been replaced by joy - I hope it will be the same for you very soon. Best of Luck and keep us posted!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 24, 2003
Hello Claire: I am 53 and weigh in at 250 lbs. I feel as you do and have said the exact same thing about feeling 80. I am scheduled to have WLS on 11/20 but my health problems may get in the way of surgery. I hurt from head to toe literally and often feel like I'm at the end of my life. I am having the surgery for health reasons. I cannot believe I let myself get in this shape and have had bouts of depression because of my physical problems. Since scheduling the surgery I have been happier and see a glimmer of hope. I know I have to work on my mental health along with my physical health in order to use the WLS tool to its best advantage. Take care. Kathy
   — kathy W.

October 24, 2003
Claire, I totally relate to your feelings. Before I had surgery, I was soooo miserable. I'm 42, but at 400 lbs, I felt like I was 90. I hated myself, I hated my life, every step was misery. Since my RNY in April, my life has completely changed. I've lost 105 lbs, I exercise at Curves 4 days a week, I take my vities and drink lots of water, and I feel better than I have in YEARS!! WLS was the best thing that ever happened to me. Hang in there, and know that there's hope for you on the other side. Good luck to you!
   — Maggie T.

October 24, 2003
Claire, I'm 48 and at 320 pounds my BMI is over 52. I'm not having quite as many health problems as you, but still, now that I'm planning surgery and actually have a date I feel every wheeze and every aching muscle and painful joint more than ever. I have a theory that I had to pretty much ignore those things to live each day when I thought I was forever trapped in this MO body. Now that I have hope of being normal again, at least in size, all the walls I'd built up to defend myself are breaking down and it's so much harder to live with it all. At least for me I have a date less than three weeks away. I've been approved by everyone (and yes, that 500+ question psych test was a pain) and it's really going to happen, so that helps me pull my spirits back up when I realize just how impaired I am by my weight. BTW, I had a fall a couple of weeks ago, just 3 days after I got my date, and I was horrified as I fell that I might hurt myself so badly my surgery would have to be delayed. Thank God (literally) I only sprained my ankle and bruised my other leg. The bruises are fading, I can walk on the ankle again, and I'm being soooo careful until I can get this surgery finished! You'll make it. Hang in there, and feel free to email me if you want, just to vent and have someone to listen without judging. We're in the same boat, basically.
   — Chyrl W.

October 24, 2003
OMG Claire....There are many of us, if not all that feel or felt this way. Anyone living an unhealthy lifestyle and is obese feels years older. The human body is not meant to carry 100/200/300/400+ extra pounds on it, but it does! It also, has consequences from us abusing our bodies. I invite you read my profile. Although, I'm considered a light weight. There wasn't anything lightweight about this 115 extra pounds on my 5'4" body. Now, add to the fact I'm 53 and there you have it! I've been thin several times, including when I got married. I can say it was having kids or being bored stay at home Mom or a dozen other things, but I'm here to tell you I have finally come to terms what caused me to "never" love my body, even when I was thin. Only after seeing a therapist and realizing I can conquer the demons from long ago past and "now" I can become slim/healthy and enjoy life as never before! The weight was more in the inside as it was on the outside. If, we don't fix that....Can we ever be happy or satisfied thin or fat? No...We can't! A pitty it took me 47 years to find the solution to my problem. LAP was secondary to me finding a wonderful therapist. I urge one and all to seek professional help and find the cause to our un happiness, that makes us eat in good/sad/bad times. I feel reborn in more ways than one now! Food no longer is my crutch or best friend. I could care less for it. I eat to live and not live to eat! I'm 8 months post op and 100 pounds down. And, I was "Never" scared of having the surgery, but of not having it, because I felt just the same as you do now, Claire I have been given the gift of life at 53 and I'm taking charge of it and not looking back! I wish you the best!
   — Hazel S.

October 24, 2003
Oh my dear Claire, please read my profile. I personally know exactly where you are coming from and if it wasn't for the grace of God I would have slipped on that banana peel a long time ago. Pity party will not help, but determination and trusting in God will. Hope I am not sounding harsh because I don't mean to, but I am 54 yrs old had my surgery on 5/5/03 down 90 lbs, and now I go to bed every day thinking it has been another beautiful day and I can't wait to wake up in the morning and start over. Email me if you need to talk after reading my profile. God Bless and Love Ya. Hang in there.
   — Joan T.

October 25, 2003
<b>Oh my goodness did I. I was feeling just like that every darn day. and I told my family, doctor that same thing. THAT I FELT LIKE I WAS SLOWLY DYING. and I prayed to God every night in tears to please help me find a way to loss my wt. Guess what honey? LOL He answered my prayers, pre-op wt was 400 lbs 10 months ago. I've loss 146 lbs so far putting me at 254 lbs. I have lots more to loss but Im not worried. I will reach my goal. Im happy now and feel wonderful, wls was the answer to my prayers.</b>
   — Naes Wls J.

October 25, 2003
Just think you are going to have the surgery and you will feel younger within the 1st couple of months...then think how you are going to look and most of all feel by spring..You will feel 20 years younger. I had my surgery at 46 and I feel so much better and so young and feel I can do anything whereas before I was afraid to do anything.Just think about it... you are going to be reborn with the surgery and will not have to feel that way again. Just think of positive thoughts..
   — Rhonda S.

October 27, 2003
original poster here. I just wanted to that all that posted an answer to my question. It has truly been a very long road for me filled with alot of pain both emotionally and physically. I know when I get my surgery date that things will get better. You all are truly there at my time of need. Thank you all again. Claire
   — gramof3

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