
I had a total hysterectomy over three years ago and have never taken HRT because I never had an bad symptoms. But recently, I've been overtaken by severe HOT FLASHES!!! I can't seem to control them and I'm constantly hot. I know we have trouble with medication because of our lack of absorption, so what should I take? I was thinking of Estrace or something over the counter first, that has Soy in it, instead of getting on a "real" HRT because I've heard they make you gain weight. Any suggestions? Just wondering what is best for people who malabsorb. Don't want to waste my money. Thanks everyone! On Fire in Florida :)    — michelle T. (posted on October 23, 2003)

October 23, 2003
I think there are meds in the form of a patch - definitely call your doc.
   — bethybb

October 23, 2003
You didn't say how far post op you are. I would call my doctor and/or nutritionist first. I started having syptoms about 4 months post op. I started the "change" before surgery, but syptoms were tolerable. After surgery, they got worse. I question my nutrtionist and she said that hormones are some what regulated by body fat. When you lose body fat you mess up your hormones. This would explain why our periods after surgery are off track also. She suggested I use soy products. I tried soy nuts, soy chips and some soy milk. I really didn't care for them. My syptoms stoped when my weight loss leveled off. My syptoms were during the winter months. Being colder due to the fat loss I would wear a jacket. When a hot flash would hit I would take it off. It wouldn't be unusual to see me put on and take off my jacket 5 times in 45 minutes. I hope this helps you.
   — june22

October 23, 2003
I had a hysterectomy about 5 yrs ago. I've been on an estrogen patch since then, because the pills just didn't work for me. I had my RNY gastric bypass on 5/15/03. I'm down 85lbs. I don't think the hormones are hindering my weightloss at all. I do think that if I didn't take the hormones I couldn't live with myself.. lol. Because I know that if I forget to change my patch ( once a week) I am a real B*t*h :-). Good luck to you.
   — KellyJeanB

October 23, 2003
Michele~definitely talk to your doctor about this one. A major concern of HRT is a proven increase in certain types of cancer (which is obviously much more important than the risk of weight gain). Your doc can best help you assess risks and possible benefits, and alternative relief.
   — Vespa R.

October 23, 2003
I am 52, and have also had a hsyterectomy, but only my left ovary removed and uterius, I had to get off of the Estrogen before my weight loss surgery and I asked my GYN about HRT when I needed it, or if I would need it, he said that the pills are out, because they desolve though the tummy and are time released, but the patch might work fine, because they do not go though the tummy, but desolve in the blood stream, so please make that hated appointment and go to your GYN and find out what you need, taking over-the-counter can be danergous.
   — cindy

October 23, 2003
I WILL NOT use HRT. So I experimented and finally found Women's Wellness by Andrew Lessman on I take 2 every morning and my hot flashes have stopped completely. It took about 3 weeks for the full effect to set in but I will not be without them now. The good part is that all of his vitamins are a very fine powder so I am looking forward to being able to add them to my food after surgery. I have opened the capsules to see what they looked like and it is very very fine so I don't think there will be a problem.
   — CAMFR

October 23, 2003
This is something you really need professional medical advice about. How severe are your hot flashes and/or other symptoms? Have you ever tried just living with it for a while to see if your body will adjust? Talk to your doc about options available and discuss what avenues you're considering. Personally, I had my complete hysterectomy almost 3 years ago and rny 6 months ago, I do not take anything for HRT. The side effects just weren't worth it to me but my hot flashes and such weren't all that severe and leveled off after a few weeks. Now that I'm post-op rny and dropping weight, I do get an occasional hot flash. With my family history, HRT just isn't an option unless I MUST do it. Best wishes!!
   — Diane S.

October 24, 2003
You can try the over the counter stuff like black cohosh and soy products - the fine print on the label will tell you it MAY work after 2 months...yeah, right. What a miserable two months!! I also have severe hot flashes, was on HRT for years - aaaah, relief, tried to go off, the flashes returned with a vengeance along with mood swings, lack of sleep etc, tried to tough it out, then decided quality of life was non-existent. The patches do work for those of us who have had WLS. I am on a very low dose patch...aaah, relief! No weight gain....
   — Cindy R.

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