Am I on my first plateau?

I am 25 days post op and I have not lost any weight since my 2 week appointment. During my 3rd week, I lost inches. Now so far I still haven't lost any weight and no more inches. I'm not freaking out, I'm just wondering if this is normal? Am I experiencing my first plateau? I'm still only able to eat 3-4oz at a time, so I'm not really worried that I have stretched my pouch. I would just like to get some opinions on whether this is considered normal. So far I have lost 26 pounds, and 24 inches! Which, don't get me wrong, makes me VERY happy! This is the first time I've lost weight in 5 years!! :o) Thanks for any comments and opinions!    — sibarra (posted on October 13, 2003)

October 13, 2003
It sounds like you are on your first plateau. But as long as you are following the rules of the pouch, your body just needs some time to catch up and the weight loss will start back up again. It's very common to have a plateau at this point.
   — Yolanda J.

October 13, 2003
What is your carb intake? You need to watch those carbs, they will get in you in trouble every time. Limit those carbs to 20g per day and you will start shedding the weight again. Good luck!
   — earana

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