Problem with concentration

I would not say that this is a direct product of surgery since I am almost 18 months post-op, but lately I am having attention defiect type syptoms. I cannot keep my mind focused on anything! I am in college full-time at night, work during the day part time, and try as I might, nothing is sticking in my head anymore. If I try to read a textbook or even read for pleasure, my mind wanders off onto other things while I am trying to read. When my husband or son are talking to me, I am thinking about something else, and have to ask them to repeat themselves. I do not have any insurance anymore, and cannot afford to pay for a visit to the doctor, so my question is- Does anyone know if there are non medical helps for this problem? Maybe a herbal supplement or something? It is so frustrating to try and concentrate when your mind is going 90 miles an hour in other directions!!! Thanks for any ideas in advance.    — T. 263 (posted on October 6, 2003)

October 6, 2003
Sounds like the symptoms I had with my hypothyroid. I do not know how expensive the blood test are, and I'm sure you would have to see a PC.
   — D. K.

October 6, 2003
Try upping your folic acid and also start taking fish oil. Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids which the lack of can cause lack of concentration. I give it to my son as well and he is excelling in school.
   — Happy I.

October 6, 2003
If it is nutritional, the very first thing that comes to mind (although there are more) are the B-vites. If you are not taking B12 sublingually or by shot, please be tested yesterday. Of course, testing at 18 months would be normal anyway. Check your multi vite and make sure it has the other 4 B's. B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin, but might say niacinamide) and B6, the spelling of which I forget. Those you can do without a doc appt--checking things. Failing that, it is REAL thing, not you going nuts. In today's world, the info and appts & life comes at us so fast, we need our wits to be about us and sharp. We don't retain info like we used to (we think). But you know, I could remember a lot of phone numbers before. But NOW, everyone has THREE phone numbers to remember! Although I'm getting older & my B vites are in order, it's kinda like trying to keep your eyes on the white line while cars & road signs zip by and grab your attention.
   — vitalady

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