Has anyone had a HIDA scan to check the function of the gallbladder?

I have been having pain in that area and went to my PCP. She pushed on it and I about came off the table! It is really sore. The ultrasound showed no stones, but she wants me to get a HIDA scan to check out how it's functioning, and if it's not functioning well, they'll remove it to prevent a gallbladder attack. Has anyone had this scan done, and if so, what can I expect? Was it bad? thanks!    — michelle T. (posted on October 3, 2003)

October 2, 2003
I have had the HIDA scan and it is relatively painless. There is HIDA and then HIDA w/fatty meal. The tech injects a dye through an IV and watches on a "TV monitor" how long it takes your gallbladder to be seen. Remember, that just because you don't have stones, you could still have gallbladder disease, i.e. "sludge" or gravel. Good luck!
   — Mshoenfelt

October 3, 2003
I had a hida scan years ago and it was very unpleasant but only for a very short period of time. they injected something that made me feel very nauseated but within minutes or seconds it was gone. the technician warned me and talked me thru it and so it was tolerable. i think mine was liver related. i always had tenderness in the area and since it was preop, gallstones were always suspected but never found. in hindsite, it was definitely fatty liver disease which has since been cured by my surgery in 2002. i see by your profile that you are postop. but i also know that we are prone to gb disease postop. good luck to you. patsy
   — PATSY N.

October 3, 2003
I had a HIDA scan about 9 months ago... it took about 2 hours, once the IV was started and I was on the table. Then basically they triggered a gallbladder attack. To be honest, I have had less painful root canals. But, on the other hand, it confirmed that the evil gallbladder had to come out. Phew! It was totally worth it.
   — kultgirl

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