why do you have to stop smoking before surgery?

   — valerie C. (posted on September 30, 2003)

September 30, 2003
Besides all the known health risks my surgeon says smokers heal slower, tend to get more leaks, recover slower, and are at greater risk of bloodclots the greatest kliller after surgery.
   — bob-haller

September 30, 2003
In addition to all Bob's great answers, you could also end up on a ventilator and believe me, you don't want that.
   — Delores S.

September 30, 2003
Also, consider this - you need all of your lung power that you can get and smoking will diminish your ability to breathe properly. Also, you are at greater risk to develope pneumonia being a smoker.
   — ChristineB

October 1, 2003
I was a heavy smoker before surgery and they told me to at least cut down. I cut down but smoked the last day before. I can guarantee you that once you have the surgery the smell will make you sick. My husband had to go outside to smoke. I have not picked it back up and feel so much better. I can actually breath now. If you have not quit at least cut down and the surgery will do the rest! God Bless!
   — laurab

October 1, 2003
I would think for a lot of the same reasons you should quit before. But also, you do not want to be addicted to anything (caffeine too) during surgery. You will have withdrawals that are worse than the surgery itself. I gave up coffee 2 months before surgery. It was the worst few weeks ever! But the best decision. I had to stay in the hospital longer than planned. If I was addicted to caffeine then, it would have made the experience intolerable.
   — mrsmyranow

October 1, 2003
My husband stopped smoking before his open RNY, but got scared about surgery and started smoking again right before it. He ended up having complications after sugery. He was unable to keep his oxygen levels up and had to be rushed to ICU after being moved to his room. He spent the rest of his stay in ICU where he had to stay on the ventilator longer, and had to have breathing treatments when he came off of it. The doctors watched him closely because they were afraid of him getting pnumonia, but thank goodness he didn't. So it really is important to STOP smoking before surgery!
   — Rebecca Johnson

October 1, 2003
Add to the list ulcers caused by smoking. This came up at our support group tonight.
   — bob-haller

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