what could this be?
Hi I am now 8 mths post op from rny and I have been having stomach pains after I eat for about the past couple of weeks now. I thought it was maybe the flu but now the pain radiates to the upper part of my right side and it gets to be very uncomfortable. I also feel like I am going to throw up after I eat and sometimes I do. Do any of You know what this possibly could be? Acouple of mths ago I already got checked out for gallstones and my gallbladder was fine but now, I'm not forsure if it is! I am worried thanks a bunch for all of your answers! — Melodee S. (posted on September 22, 2003)
September 22, 2003
Hi; What's happening to you sounds almost identical to what I was going
through. I am almost 6 months post-op and my gallbladder checked out fine
right before surgery and shortly there after. I started having pains like
what you describe about a month ago and at first the doctor thought it was
kidneys (because it first started with pains in the back), which it wasn't.
I had a gallbladder ultrasound about 10 days ago and had my gallbladder
removed a few days after the results came back in. It was full of stones
and blocking a duct. I was having pains that radiate from the middle upper
right side and sometimes over the right shoulder blade. After eating I was
nauseous and also sometime threw up. With your rapid weight loss it could
most definately be your gallbladder. If yous GB test was fine a few months
back, it could still be bad now. I would talk to the doctor again and see
about having a ultrasound of the GB right away. Also, my doctor told me if
the ultrasound came back normal(which it didn't) he would then order
something called a "nuclear scan" test of the GB because even
though stones may not be present, we can get stuff called
"sludge" that can cause pains and the GB would still have to be
removed. I wish you luck and hope you will be feeling better soon.
Anymore questions feel free to e-mail me. Take care, Cheryl Arnold
— cherby56
September 22, 2003
Sounds like gallbladder to me too. Even if you don't have stones on an
ultrasound, your GB could still be out of whack. I'd ask your PCP to have
you either repeat the US and/or request a HIDA scan which measures how long
it takes to process the dye they inject - they can tell from that whether
your GB is working well or not. In the mean time, some people notice it
more with fatty or spice foods, so try to match what you're eating to your
symptoms, including time between food and discomfort.
— bethybb
September 22, 2003
It's probably your gallbladder. If your 8 months post-op, you've probably
lost a good deal of weight and that will do it.
— Patty H.
September 22, 2003
Besides your gallbladder or a stone stuck in a bile duct (which may not
show up on a gallbladder ultrasound), it could also possibly be an ulcer, a
stricture or gastritis, to name a few. Some of these give similar
— Leslie F.
January 27, 2005
I would seriosly go back to your Surgean i Was Experiance Severe Pain went
to emergency they gave me a CAT Scan , I have now dont Know the Name my
pouch has attached itself to the big Pouch and there is an opening food
Going to the big Stomach Constant irration and Pain , GO TO THE SURGEON WHO
— Yvette G.
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