Please read this posting and help me? I am gaining!

I had Lap on June 2001, and in 2 years could not eat nothing but soup, refried beans, anything soft, like squash. I would get sick. I had 7 endoscopies. 2 Upper GI's I am 5'10 and got down to 126, looking like alley McBeal. I finally hired an attorney and the surgeon decided to revise my surgery, June of this year, he removed and ulcer, removed my gall bladder, repaired a hernia and told me that he made my pouch smaller. I am scared now. I am not sure if I was so used to not eating that now, I can eat alot more. I do not ever feel like I over eat. I have gain 20 lbs since June, and that is alot. I do not know what to do. Please help me. At revision, I was 145, now I am 165 and I can see the legs I left behind, returning. I eat healthy, and I am very active, but why am I gaining so much. Is it possible that he did reverse it and is not disclosing that. How can I find out, another endoscopy? Thanks.    — Cheryl C. (posted on September 19, 2003)

September 18, 2003
Contact the hospital and get a copy of the OR report. If you need to, have another surgeon (preferably a bariatric surgeon) read thru it and explain exactly what this dr. did. I agree that something doesn't sound right. If you were having trouble eating anything other than soft foods, why would he make the pouch smaller? I would think a smaller pouch would have given you even more food issues and caused more weight loss, not the gain that you are talking about. If anything it sounds like he should have lengthened the bypass. I was under the impression that the pouch can't be altered too much once it is made, but I may be wrong, I'm certainly no doctor! Good Luck, hope you can get this resolved.
   — Ali M

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