I'm happy with my surgeon, but worried that 35 cm bypass isn't enough. HELP!

Hello! I am totally convinced that I am well suited for a proximal gastric bypass. My BMI is 42, I'm 5'2" at 232 pounds. If you've had success with only 35cm bypassed, please let me know and tell me if you now think you should have had more bypassed or are you happy with everything (including the lack of absorbtion problems). I know that I will have to work hard at this, and I'm not afraid of that AT ALL, but I also don't want to go through all this to find that I didn't find out everything I could about other's success with 35cm proximal bypass. Thanks so much!!    — susannahs (posted on September 12, 2003)

September 12, 2003
HI, I am also 5'2 and was 240 but now 229 from being on my 6mo dr supervised diet to be approved. I am having the medial bypass done..I've been seeing other woman my statue and at the wieght I would like to be..and they all have had the medial done..its hard to say..I know everyone loses different, but where to start..well thats how I based my type on from what the dr said in his lecture and seeing other woman my statue. sorry I couldnt help more. Shauna
   — por2geegurl

September 12, 2003
I am 5'1" and started at 228.6. My surgeon bypassed 100 (I think) Maybe it was 150. I do know it was a proximal and I have been a slow loser the whole time. I would not go into surgery with only 35cm bypassed. I have heard of only 75 and people have good success with that but 35? I don't think so.
   — Delores S.

September 12, 2003
Hello! Check out my profile - I had a VERY proximal and was bypassed less than 35. I started out at 5'2 235 lbs and at five months I'm down to 160 wearing a size 12. I'd still like to lose another 30-35 lbs, but that will come in time.
   — Barbara C.

September 12, 2003
Just my opinion here, but I would not go through the pain etc. of surgery to only be bypassed 35cm with your exact same stats. I would want at least a 75-100cm bypass which is what most surgeons would do for you. The other piece of this puzzle is the pouch size. If he is putting it together with a very tiny pouch - 1/2 ounce then you will definitely lose, but it's the malabsorption that helps us some long term. Yes over time we do not malabsorb as much be we will always malabsorb some. My surgeon does a 1/2 ounce pouch on everyone and varies the amount bypassed but usually only does 100cm or 150cm. Are you absolutely sure he didn't mean 35 inches bypassed? Which would be about 90 cm's. This would make tons more sense. You need to discuss this with the surgeon and be clear on what he is doing and why and make sure you are comfortable with the procedure. He may be a great surgeon but if he isn't doing what is best for his patients long term then get someone else. I also would ask if there are any post-ops that were bypass that little that you could talk to. Most of the time they know some who are willing. Good luck! Be sure to get more info/answers!
   — zoedogcbr

September 12, 2003
Gotta agree with Chris D. on this one, I really wouldn't do this for only 35 cm. I'm 5'7", started at 250 and was bypassed 150 cm. Yes, we will lose some malabsorption as time goes by, but if you only have a little to begin with, you're left with only a restrictive procedure. You would still have to supplement, because all bypass procedures cut out the the top part of the intestine where a majority of the nutrients are absorbed. So you wouldn't even get the benefit of not having to supplement and you might have the detriment of late post-op regain. With all that, you might as well have a lap band instead of a bypass (Not my recommendation personally, just throwing that option out there).
   — Ali M

September 12, 2003
150cm bypassed is getting to be the standard. My daughter failed with no bypass and just restriction. I wouldn't let him do anything less than 150cm. just for the fact that keeping the weight off after your honeymoon period needs it. Also (and I'm an RNY) look at the DS as a solution. My work friend had a DS and I had an RNY and I watch her eat normally each day and keep her weight off as I struggle at 2 years out. Just my 2c.
   — sandieguy

September 14, 2003
Sandie, thanks for recommending the DS. I am SO sorry you're struggling! I annoy many people with my constant urging of pre-ops to investigate the DS before deciding, but that is exactly why. The best place to research it is at Susannah, there are several excellent DS surgeons in CA, and for best success you should choose one from that site.
   — Chris T.

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