Is there anyone else who CANNOT eat leftovers of any kind?

I had surgery on 3/24/03 and to this day I cannot eat leftovers of any kind.Is this normal or am I the only one out here like this?I have never heard of this happening to anyone else..    — Bobbie D. (posted on September 8, 2003)

September 8, 2003
I cannot eat leftovers. It's hard to believe that someone who got as fat as I was would be a finicky eater. I have never liked leftovers (except chili) before or after surgery. I think reheating makes things taste funny. My husband fills the fridge with leftovers - he doesn't mind them at all.
   — bbjnay

September 8, 2003
I CAN NOT do leftovers no matter what it is. I thought it was just the way I was warming stuff up (tried several different ways of warming) but I cant do cold leftovers either. Dont know why but they just taste nasty to me and they sit there like a brick. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 115+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

September 8, 2003
This is due to the fact that in order to digest well, you need moist food. Re-heating, especially in a microwave dries the food out more. I had a real trouble with re-heated left-overs and didn't understand until the Nurse Practitioner in my surgeon's office clued me in.
   — Cathy S.

September 8, 2003
I'm over 19 months post op and still have problems with left overs. The only way I can eat them at all is to add additional broth and/or cheese to them during the warming process. I must have the moisture for them to go down. I usually jsut throw them out since I feel that no more than I eat now, I deserve the most enjoyable and best tasting food available. I'm down almost 200 pounds and my husband is over 15 post op and down 265 pounds!
   — Frances B.

September 8, 2003
I, for the most part, chose not to do left overs.... I'd rather throw away food than eat the same thing for days on b/f will finish my meal if we go out to eat....(then complains he is soooooo full from eating 2 meals). Give the left overs to your hubby if he doesn't mind....
   — Peg L

September 8, 2003
I don't have a terrible problem with them usually, but I do notice that some things (like meat) that get tough when microwaved go down much better when I eat them cold. If it is something that has fat in it, I'll microwave it for a few seconds just to melt the fat so it doesn't feel gross in my mouth. I especially love cold steak! :)
   — ctyst

September 8, 2003
I love leftovers and for the most part am able to eat them at 19 mo post-op. The meats do have to be moist and microwaves do tend to dry them out, so sauces and broths come in handy. Your only 6 mo post-op, your tastes for leftovers may change the further out you get. Don't give up on them yet.
   — Cindy R.

September 8, 2003
I can't do left overs, period. Doesn't matter what it is. I think the dryness factor is an interesting thought, but I can't say that reasoning works out completely for me. For example, I can't even eat left over soup- now- that's not too dry! A med prof. suggested to me that it might be the bacteria levels in left overs! Who knows! So, whatever it is, I guess we just have to live with it.

September 8, 2003
I have the same problem! I thought it was just me!
   — Beverly S.

September 9, 2003
Yep, me too! Initially I thought it was so great being able to take things home from a restaurant and having enough food for 3 more meals. I found out quickly that any seafood leftovers make me intensely nauseous, and the 'doctoring' needed to make other leftovers moist just wasn't worth it most times.
   — Judy M.

September 9, 2003
OMG! I thought I was the only one! I thought I was freaking out, and I told dh my theory on leftovers and he looked at me like I had absolutely lost my mind! Phew! I feel better...hehehe. Dar
   — Darlene H.

September 9, 2003
Yes, just after I had surgery I noticed that it didn't do any good to "save" leftovers for later because I was unable to eat them. I don't know if the microwave did it or the fridge but my pouch just couldn't handle them. There are a few foods that I can handle reheating now that I am 3+ yrs out but I still find myself throwing quite a bit of leftovers away. Good luck to you! Chris Rinn
   — rinnchris

September 12, 2003
I am totally the same way! I'm almost 2 years out and STILL can't do them! I take one look and about lose it! I also thought it was just me! Thank you for being brave and asking this question!!
   — emibaby

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