Anyone change or quit their job post-op?

They say some people who have WLS will get divorced within 2 years of the surgery. Did anyone quit their job or have a major change at the job because of their surgery? I thought I would like my job more but I actually have less patience and feel less fulfilled than before surgery.    — mrsmyranow (posted on August 25, 2003)

August 25, 2003
Having just read the last entry on your profile I understand where you're coming from on this question. If it were me I would definatly start look for a different job. And for Heaven sake when you find one DON'T TELL ANYONE WHERE IT IS. If you have to just tell them you're moving out of town. As for your friend... she should file a formal complaint with HR and I would seriously consider a lawsuit. What your employer did is illegal.. it's called blackballing!
   — SJP

August 25, 2003
SJP, I hear ya but it happens all the time. Best advise. There is no loyalty from companies so do what is best for you and watch your butt while you do it!
   — Shelly S.

August 26, 2003
I agree with both previous posters. Good god girl, get out of there quick and keep quiet about it! And your friend should definitely call an attorney. This is why sharks exist. ;-) In fact,I'd consult one before applying for another job to find the best way to handle the blackballing. Let me recommend You can email him for advice. I listen to him on the radio and he's pretty good!
   — Chris T.

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