Help! I'm 2 1/2 years post op and my hair is falling out again!

Hello, I'm Lap RNY post-op 4/16/01. I went through the normal hair falling out routine at about 3 months. However it's doing it again, except now it's worse then the first time. I'm completely in a panic. I have tried to increase my protein and even bought protein packs for your hair. I don't know what to do.. Please help. P.S. I'm attempting to schedule an appt. with my doc.(if they would ever call me back) I hope there is something that I can do before I see him, before I go completely bald. Thanks for all of your help!    — Kristina P. (posted on August 25, 2003)

August 25, 2003
Kristina, if you haven't posted this question over at the yahoo-OSSG grad board, do so as everyone there is over a year post-op and may have more experience with this issue. I only know of one person in a support group I attended that had this happen to her at about a year post-op. Turned out after she had labs done that she wasn't absorbing enough protein-she was taking in the normal amount of protein, just not absorbing it. She had to double her protein intake (thru supplements). At 2 1/2 years post, you would think that it would have occurred, if it was going to, before this. Was your protein intake up there and consistent before the hair started falling out?
   — Cindy R.

August 25, 2003
It's entirely possible that this hari loss is not related to your WLS at all. I would suggest getting your labs checked, if you haven't, and then possibly seeing a dermatologist for other (non-WLS) causes.
   — Vespa R.

August 26, 2003
I've personally been exploring the link between hormones and hair loss. Talk to your OB/GYN about the possibility of a hormone patch. Good luck, stay strong!
   — Deborah M.

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