Help! Need to appeal medicaid and need sample letters.
Has anyone on medicaid been denied and thru appealing finally get approval? I need sample letters to appeal to medicaid. PLEASE HELP ME. I don't understand why they denied me. My sister is on medicaid and so is her son and they both have had rny in the last year. We live a block away from each other. We seen different surgeons because her surgeon will only see virginia mason patients and I am not a customer of viginia mason. What do I do? HELP!!!!! — Jill G. (posted on August 17, 2003)
August 17, 2003
Hi, I had lap rny 6.5 mths ago and I also have medicaid.
They were totally great and approved for everything. But, also I heard they
are getting more dificult to go thru like wanting more diet supervised
plans and etc. Also it just depends on what state you live in too cuz some
states and cities have different medicaid plans. Like if you live in a
small town alot of peole have just straight medicaid jus the red card, and
some bigger towns have to go thru other insurance plans, like blue cross
blue shield medicaid, or firstguard health plan medicaid , which is
considered mcplus too, they just use their company name instead just
straight medicaid so then you have to go thru them. And I know for a fact
that blue cross blue shield medicaid is a hard on approving ppl for the
surgery, so if you have that please switch. I had firstguard medicaid and
they were wonderful! But anyway check out what you ahve and then if it is
just straight medicaid then have your doctor write a letter to them stating
that is is medically neccessary and have him write down what diets you have
tried! Good Luck to You! Hope this info was alittle help to ya!
— Melodee S.
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