how did some of you cope with having clear liquids only 2 days b4

   — Eugenia K. (posted on August 9, 2003)

August 9, 2003
Simple - I knew that if I didn't do the clear liquid diet for those two days before surgery, my surgery would be cancelled...JR
   — John Rushton

August 9, 2003
You do it because you really have no other choice. I would have gladly taken a 2 day liquid diet before surgery over the 8 week liquid diet I had afterwards! Blech!
   — MomBear2Cubs

August 9, 2003
My doctor did not prescribe any special diet before surgery. We ate Thai food the night before.
   — Fixnmyself

August 9, 2003
I had no problem with the 2 day pre-op liquid diet. I didn't really feel hungry (probably nerves), and I knew it was only two days. A person can do almost anything for two days. It also tested my ability to follow the rules. Really, don't worry about this requirement at all. I don't remember struggling with it, or even wanting food at all.
   — Vespa R.

August 10, 2003
Eugenia, My surgeon requires a 3 day clear liquid prep. I am on day 2 and it is a little harder then I thought it would be. I will follow it to the letter because I don't want to cause complications during my surgery. My Dr told me that one of his patients ate a bolgona sandwich during her 3 day prep and she had problems. He said that if he had known she had done that, he would have cancelled her surgery. You can do it....Hugs.Jane.
   — peanutpatty

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