I had a total hysterectomy three years ago.....

since then, I haven't needed to take any form of hormone replacement therapy because I've never had hot flashes, or hair growth, etc. My dr. says unless I get these symptoms, there's no need to take HRT. I had a dexascan and my bones are fine. Are there any other post ops that don't take any form of HRT or estrogen? I have occassional "dryness" if you know what I mean, but K-Y works just fine! I haven't been taking Calcium much because I eat tons of dairy products and do weight bearing exercises for my bones. Thanks ya'll! :)    — michelle T. (posted on August 5, 2003)

August 5, 2003
Hi, I am post menopausel (spelling) of about five years. Early out I did take HRT. Then, I began hearing that the bad far outweighs the good. I did some research and decided that I do not want to take them and against my gyn's wishes, I stopped taking them. My bones were already in pretty bad shape. If it's bones you are worried about, there are many new medici nes out that are for that. Fosmax for one and there is a nasal spray called Malicition or something like that. It does not reverse bone loss but does stop anymore from happening. I do have the dryness. (I do know what you mean) but that is easily fixed with a little KY gel.
   — Delores S.

August 5, 2003
You will have to take the Calcium Citrate PO as you will not get enough from food. As far as the HRT that really is a personal issue and what your risks and symptoms are. Like you said dryness can be handled other ways.
   — zoedogcbr

August 5, 2003
I have had both ovaries removed (cystic), and was on HRT for about 2 1/2 years. I went off of it around a month before my RNY. I now take something non-estrogen cal;led Evista. I have minimal flashes, however do not get "dry". I take calcium, and my most recent bloodwork was just about perfect. I also eat a lot of dairy products. I would check w/ your primary Dr. or surgeon, but I would think it would be a good idea to take the calcium (citrate, of course).
   — Fixnmyself

August 5, 2003
I am 54 and went through menopause about 6 years ago. I am not on HRT because I have a history of arterial blood clots and I have had 2 heart attacks. I am fine without them. I do occasionally have night sweats, but not nearly as much as I did while going through menopause. I never have hot flashes, and the vaginal dryness comes and goes, but it is easily dealt with. I couldn't make my own choice about HRT due to my health history, but, I think if I had the choice, I would forgo the hormones. This has been what was best for and your doctor decide what is best for YOU!
   — Linda S.

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