I have tried to email people with the new

but it's not working. Any suggestions??????    — paulsgirl (posted on July 14, 2003)

July 14, 2003
I've emailed 6-9 people this morning and have received several responses -- its a little slow but it goes for me :(
   — lilmskitty

July 14, 2003
No problems here either.
   — bethybb

July 14, 2003
I've had occasional problems. If you click on their surgery support page their email address is printed at the top right corner. You can email without the mail program from OH.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 14, 2003
If you have a pop-up blocker on your pc like I do it wont come up without holding the ctrl key. Took me a few tries to figure that one out. Hope that helps. Darlene
   — Darlene H.

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