Why can't we take aspirin post-op?

I was wondering if anyone could tell me the reason we can never take aspirin again after RNY Surgery. I used to take BC Powders prior to surgery. BC Powders are pulverized. When taken with water, it dissolves even more. It seems like it would pass through the pouch with no problem... Anyway, I am only curious *grin* I have tried taking aspirin. Thanks!    — Kim W. (posted on July 11, 2003)

July 11, 2003
Aspirin and Ibuprofen irritate the stomach lining in any form.
   — M B.

July 11, 2003
Hi, Kim, my doc told me to take extra stregnth tylenol if I have any type of aches or pains, so that is what I do.
   — Melodee S.

July 11, 2003
I was actually on a baby aspirin every day for 3 weeks after surgery. My surgeon also said it was okay to take aspirin or ibuprofen and even Vioxx as needed, as long as it wasn't every day and I took it with some food. I take Vioxx about 3 days a month and have been since last November, with no problems at all. Follow your surgeon's advice.
   — koogy

July 11, 2003
Asprin also has "blood thinning" qualities , it not only acts as a pain reliever but also as an anticoagulant(clot stopper)it could induce post-op bleeding not to mention irritate the new pouch ...that is why it may pose a danger too soon after surgery.
   — E. V.

July 11, 2003
Because it is ulcerative even in small doses and we cannot afford ulcers post op.
   — Carol S.

July 11, 2003
I just re-read my post and saw a MAJOR type-o. I meant to say that I HAVEN'T tried taking guys must think I'm nuts, LOL!!! Thanks for the responses, though!!
   — Kim W.

July 13, 2003
I've had stomach pains (ulcer?) with many types of pain meds from Vioxx, Arhrotec50 and Codiene. I suffer with arthritus, but the deathly abdominal pains are even greater. I think they have given me an ulcer. I'd love to take a baby asprin a day as strokes and heartattack run wild through my family. However I don't want to damage my pouch ether. Personally I'd stay away from asprin as it is to dangerous for us.
   — Danmark

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