I got upset this evening and...

   — Kim W. (posted on July 3, 2003)

July 2, 2003
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, but if you have messed with your tude I think yous should head immediately to the ER. I'm assumiing you can't get the tube back in right???? You need drainage. If you don't have it, that is not good at all.
   — Danmark

July 2, 2003

   — Jazzy

July 2, 2003
Hi Kim, I had a G tube and I had the idea (???) that I was supposed to open it up and drain it too. I did it many times before I talked to my surgeon about it and he said "what ever gave you the idea you were supposed to drain it?" Plese call your doctor and ask him about that. When I opened the plug (before I knew I wasn't supposed to) the liquid just exploded out of it. One time it actually hit me in the face! This was when I was early post op and I had eaten some jello. The jello was in the tube too. I stilll don't understand that but needless to say, I had sld at that time. I wasn't transected then so I still think that was a clue that I had a leak. Mucuous and other drainage is from your old stomach and that is normal to have. From my understanding, this is in the old stomach, right? Emotions do wreck havoc on our pouches. In fact, sometimes I think my pouch has a mind of it's own By the way, you are gorgeous as Janet said below. Kim, call your doctor about the gtube being opened. Sounds like you have a lot of gas in the old stomach. Maybe some Gas-x or something will help? Good luck in this awesome journey!
   — Mylou52

July 3, 2003
Thanks everyone for your quick responses. I do appreciate it. The day I left the hospital, my surgeon told me to drain my G-tube 3 -4 times a day. He makes his patients keep the G-tube in for 4 weeks after surgery. --- I am feeling much better today . I called my surgeons office and told them what happened and they said everything sounds normal. When I got upset and vomited, my stomach started creating gastric juices and built up pressure, which is why my plug wouldn't stay in. I was able to plug the tube after an hour or so of calming down and relaxing. I guess I am a wee bit neurotic of causing damage to myself so soon after surgery. Eventually I will get the hang of things.... We have been going through some hard times this year with my father...he is in the final stages of Alzheimer's disease and is not expected to live much longer. He's had this disease for ten years - I love him so much and I am having a difficult time handling the whole situation. Seems like I have been extra emotional since my surgery too... Maybe I should consider yoga someday soon, LOL! Thanks again everyone.
   — Kim W.

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