16 Months Out, At Goal.. Should I Go For My 'Dream' Weight?

However, I would like to lose 10 more pounds to be at MY ideal "dream" weight. BUT, my body seems to be happy at my weight now, because no matter what I do, the scale won't budge. I think I'm at my "set point". Should I just accept the weight I'm at and be happy to have a normal BMI and a normal weight for my height, or should I keep trying to get to my own goal weight? I hate the fact that I'm in the "diet" mentality again. Are there any long term post ops that can relate and if so, what did you do? Any advice from ANYONE would be appreciated. I started at 267, am now 162 but want to be 150-155. I'm 5'9". :0) Thanks!    — michelle T. (posted on June 29, 2003)

June 29, 2003
My personal opinion is: if you feel happy, healthy, and active, concentrate on LIVING your new healthy lifestyle to the max and cruise. Just make sure you don't put any weight back on (except perhaps the weight of a gallon sized Camelbak water backpack or all those clothes you can wear now!). Congrats on your accomplishment! peace---terry
   — Terry R.

June 29, 2003
You have done a marvelous job. Congratulations! I would suggest asking yourself about the "importance" of weighing 10 pounds less. (Yes, you are in a "diet mentality.") Do you wish to keep dieting for the rest of your life? Is your self-esteem and self-worth tied up in how much you weigh? How did you come up with your dream weight? What does that represent to you? If losing 10 more pounds is going to make you feel better about yourself, then you know what you need to do. There is also the option of losing the 10 pounds and seeing how you feel there. And once there, is it easy to stay there? You can always gain the 10 pounds back again if it turns out you like the old weight better. Ultimately, you have to please yourself. Good luck in making your decision. :)
   — Judy K.

June 30, 2003
You and I had surgery 4 days apart, and I, too, am less than 10 pounds from goal. Heres the way I look at it: I'm happy where I am at, and eating the amount of calories I can eat in a day, which includes snacking/treats and carbs and sugar. I know with this wonderful tool that if I cut out the snacking, which I enjoy, then I would lose to goal weight or below, but I would have to forever-after keep to that lower amount of daily calories to MAINTAIN that lower weight. Its just not worth it to me. I like eating normally now, and the amount of daily calories I consume has kept me at the same weight for almost 4 months now (I actually lost 1 pound in 4 months!!). I, too, hate the "diet" mentality. What I do like is knowing that with the tool, if I ever have to "diet" again, it will be so much easier. So,what do you want to do?
   — Cindy R.

June 30, 2003
Maybe you should listen to your body. Its telling you that its 'happy' where its at. My 'dream' weight was 150lbs (started at 300) so I could say I'd lost half of me. My body told me otherwise. Its at 160 and hasn't moved in months. And, frankly if I went down to 150lbs, I'd look sick! I did this not to be in 'diet' mode anymore. But thats me.
   — Kris T.

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