Is Cancer treatment an option when post op?

This is a major RED FLAG for me in my research on 'if' I should have WLS... Does anyone know if you are post op and are diagnosed with any type of cancer, can it be treated as effectively as someone without WLS? If you don't know, do you have any suggestions on where I could find this info? I've looked all through this sites library and haven't found much on the subject. THANKS! Annie    — Annie O. (posted on June 24, 2003)

June 24, 2003
Its hard to find this information on the web, because the RNY was actually developed as a treatment for some forms of cancer, so that information is what seems to keep popping up. If you have a personal or family history of cancer, I would definitely try to speak with an oncologist about this. I don't know how in the world you would get to talk to one unless you or a family member are actual patients. Just thinking outloud, though, I believe if the cancer is not in the abodmen - lets say breast cancer - the surgery and radiation would not be a problem in my opinion. However, if it was colon cancer, that would certainly be something to mess up the works. Maybe ask a GI specialist if they are aware - they would be a good choice as well.
   — bethybb

June 24, 2003
I would contact the American Cancer Society to see if they have any information about this. My Mom just went through uterine cancer treatments and even though the chemo and radiation was hard on her, she didn't have to take any pills or do anything that would bother a pouch. The only concern I would have would be scarring from radiation if you needed it on your abdomen, but a surgery for a blockage would still be better than dying from cancer. Best wishes. Julia
   — NewJoolz

June 26, 2003
I am a Hodgkins Lymphoma survivor of 2 years I am scheduled to have surgery on August 26,2003. I have had my Oncologist,PCP,Endocrinologist,and Obstetrician all say it is ok to have surgery. And they all suggested I get it done. I am nervous about getting ANY kind of cancer again I did have Chemo and Radiation therapy done.
   — Jennifer W.

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