I have alot of pain in the area of the apendex . It is really awfull.
I went to my GP and had an ultra sound done,it was a plevic ultra sound, it came up negative. I had blood work done to see if it is the appendex and that came up clear.The GP said he could find nothing wrong.I had a hystorectomy 20 years ago so that could not be the problem.I have been in pain now for 2months and today I can hardly walk acroos the floor. I finally got an appointment with my surgen for tuesday. I might add that I'm 5 months out on the 22nd. Any body got a clue or had something like this. I have no eating problems or any other. Just alot of pain.Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you — myra J. (posted on June 22, 2003)
June 22, 2003
Have you gone poopy lately? This can really cause a lot of pain, even if it
has only been 24 hours since you went. If you haven't gone, you may have a
blockage, and that is yucky. They will try to get rid of it through
medicine first, but if it doesn't move within 24-48 hours, they will go up
with a scope. Be prepared, okay? This isn't a fun thing. I'm glad you are
going to your surgeon... if you HAVEN"T gone poopy for over 48 hours,
and you are in this much pain, don't wait until tuesday, okay? Go to the ER
and make them get your surgeon in NOW! Let us know what happens, okay?
I'll be thinking about you.
— Sharon M. B.
June 22, 2003
Hi, I had two surgery's since my wls, both times I had pain in that area,
first time it was my Gallbladder, which was removed then a couple months
after that it was a twisted bowel which needed repair, I had blood work
done and an ultra sound done in the E.R. and then told nothing was wrong
just to check with my Doctor which I did a month later and then some more
of the same test and that time it showed up that there was a problem, so it
is a very good thing that you have an appointment on Tues. and don't let
anyone not listen to you, if you have pain there is something wrong stick
to your guns . OH and just to let you know I am doing GREAT now never felt
better, good luck , R :)
— Rho
June 22, 2003
One woman in my support group last week mentioned that she had pain in the
gall bladder area and hers had been removed. Apparently bile is made in
the liver, and one can have gall bladder type pain even after it has been
removed. If yours has been removed you might want them to check that out.
She said she never knew thst could happen.
— Fixnmyself
June 22, 2003
Your appendix should have come out during your surgery. They usually take
it out anytime they open you up for any kind of surgery. Ask your surgeon
if he removed yours.
— Delores S.
June 23, 2003
OK, there are a number of could be adhesions, that is scar
tissue that is strangulating the bowel, it could be simply gas, it could be
you have a blockage in the part of the bowel that doesn't pass food
through, it could be you have an infection, it could be your surgeon left a
sponge in, it could be you are a raving hypochondriac, it could be a pulled
groin muscle. See why coming here instead of going to your surgeon for
these kinds of issues is somewhat unproductive? Every case of pain is
individual and your WLS surgeon is your best resource...Good Luck!
— merri B.
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