
I am having surgery on Thursday and my allergies are horrible. I take Allegra and I am fine once the med's kick in. But, when I wake up I am sneezing and have a runny nose. Not to mention the coughing to get the mucious up and out. Help can I still have surgery?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on June 16, 2003)

June 16, 2003
Hi really need to bring this to the attention of your surgeon and anesthesiologist. I don't think anyone here can answer this question.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 16, 2003
My surgeon allowed me to take my clariten the morning of my surgery with the tiniest amount of water to wash it down...but I agree with the previous poster. You do need to discuss this with your surgeon.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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