How much weight will a tanning bed hold?

I went to the tanning beds all last year but I haven't gone for quite some time now and I've put on probably 20-25 lbs since then. I'd like to start tanning again but I don't know what the weight limit is for a tanning bed. I would be mortified if I broke it.    — citygirl1971 (posted on June 15, 2003)

June 15, 2003
Hi Monique.... I love to tan and since I have gained since last summer was concerned about this so I asked the employees of the salon I go to and was told 500 lbs. I am not sure how accurate this is or if it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer... You might want to give the salon or fitness center a call and ask them. Hope this helps some.
   — lillbitofsin

June 15, 2003
I have always been afraid of the "regular" tanning beds...what would happen if it did break and someone went crashing down into the bulbs?! That's why I love going to tan in a bed called an "ultra-bronze" has a mattress bigger than a twin size that you lay on and the bulbs are above you...of course it tans you 10x's faster than conventional beds and are more expensive...most have fans at the feet so that you are not too hot. You just flip over and tan the other side when it's time. No more worries about breaking the bed...sometimes just the pocket-book! But honestly, they are worth every penny!
   — Marsha P.

June 15, 2003
I was up to 330, tanning regularly and didn't have any problems in regular-sized beds...but if it will make you feel more comfortable, just ask.
   — Amy W.

June 15, 2003
I am sure it would vary by manufacturer (just like exercise equipment). Call the salon and ask, you don't have to give your name. Better to know ahead of time.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 15, 2003
I weigh 392 and I haven't had any problems with the tanning beds. You could also try tanning in a stand-up booth. That way you wouldn't have to worry about it breaking. Good luck!
   — Terri G.

June 15, 2003
Have you thought about just buying that tan in a bottle stuff? Much cheaper, good ones look real and don't rub off, and no cancer. I've lost my mother, grandmother, and brother's nose to cancer - okay the rest of my brother is still here but he actually had to have a complete nose procedure from cancer at 47 - I'm sure he'll be seeing more of that! Directly related to his sun exposure. I don't know the safety of these tanning beds, but there is no question that you are getting darker by burning layers of your skin. Even know of one guy who died in one because he fell asleep and the staff forgot to check on him like they are supposed to. He was in there 2 hours and died at the hospital the next day. My mom worked with his widow. You sure you want to do this?
   — bethybb

June 15, 2003
I just bought an unlimited membership a couple of weeks ago and my tannery has all different beds all say weight limit 250 lbs.
   — hooterzgirl75

June 16, 2003
I am gonna take some heat for this, but here goes... (1)Should you be exposing yourself to cancer on a weekly basis when you're trying to or have had this surgery to "save your life.?" (2) Do you think a tan is gonna make you look that much healthier and better? What is the point? Have we not learned anything from WLS or is everything still about VANITY?
   — heathercross

June 16, 2003
why is it that people always feel that they need to offer way more than the question asks for? The question wasn't "what's the healthy thing for me?" or "What's your opinion on tanning beds?" It was how much will they hold!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 16, 2003
Hey, Beth and Heather- before you are both set afire, let me say that we all know people who do things they shouldn't no matter what the health warnings. Not a darned thing you can do about it. I, for one, intend to remain pale and fragile-looking this summer! Okay, okay, more like an uncooked bratwurst....
   — koogy

June 16, 2003
I don't get it. Monique asked a legitimate question, and the same person is here to answer, except not with an answer to the QUESTION at hand, but rather with a moral diatribe on living life as she sees fit. I'm sorry, but being a successful WLS patient does not make you the moral police for the entire world. In answer to the question at hand, just ask:)
   — kathy B.

June 16, 2003
Not meant to flame, but, Asking someone why they would want to tan and risk cancer is the same as when someone who doesnt understand about WLS asks us why would we want to risk our life having WLS surgery. Because we're adults and can make our own decisions after knowing the facts. Millions of people use tanning beds and dont get cancer. It's sad when someone does, but it's a risk you take to look better. I think its great that she's doing something to make her feel better about the way she looks. After surgery it'll also make any loose skin less noticable, I've found. As far as your question....I went in tanning beds weighing almost 400, probably shouldnt have, but I did. The best thing is to ask, and you can call anonymously and just ask the question if you're uncomfortable to do it in person. Better safe then sorry, and if you're over the limit you can always do the stand up booth. Good luck with your tan!
   — Monica H.

June 16, 2003
I went to a tanning bed place when I was in the high 280's without any problems. Just ask and they should be able to help you. As for if it vain to do it,SO WHAT IF IT IS???? If it makes you feel better, sexier and happy then go for it!!! Nothing wrong with doing something nice for yourself. Thats the main reason I had WLS, just for me and no one else. BTW,just becasue bad things happen to some people DOES NOT mean it will happen to everyone. Just my 2 cents. ~SIdney~ OPen RNY 10-23-02 down 100 and counting
   — Siddy I.

June 16, 2003
Hi, Monique: I agree with the others, best thing to do would be to discreetly pull someone aside and ask how much they hold, or call anonamously (sp?). As for the other debate regarding exposing one's self to cancer, let me say as a fair complected, blue-green-eyed blonde that I use a tanning bed in the spring because if I don't get a base tan, I will fry later on if I'm in the sun for any length of time, no matter how high of SPF I use or how frequently I put it on. Self tanners don't build up your natural immunity to the sunlight, or else I would definitely be using them instead. For me, it's an issue of not wanting to get lobster-fied when I go outside, not VANITY. Sorry Heather, I backed you up the other day, but today I think you went too far. It's not necessary to criticize everyone with whom you don't agree.
   — Moysa B.

June 16, 2003
Hi, I'm the one that posted the question and I wanted to say thank you for the support. I do understand the risks of tanning but the way things are today everything you do has risks. Thanks again and good luck to all with your weight loss.
   — citygirl1971

June 16, 2003
I don't know your preference but in my area there is a new process where you stand in a booth and a machine sprays on a tan. I have several friends that were tanning booth junkies that now swear by it. I myself don't tan (blonde with light eyes and ultra pale) but they seem to love this new process. One of my girlfriends said she paid $29.99 for 2 sessions.
   — mlovesh

June 16, 2003
Monique- call the local tanning place you want to frequent- your not the first person to ask this I am sure. Perhaps they have a bed that caters to a larger clientele- <P> Heather I truly support peoples choices to post what they want/when they want- BUT in response to your answer regarding the tanning beds..and being called the moral police- I briefly re read your profile- since when do our doctors recommend VODKA and other alcohols? If you are gonna throw stones you should board up your are being a little judgemental lately...
   — ~~Stacie~~

June 16, 2003
MONIQUE...First let me say in my defense, I posted the response and I I got a reply back from Obesity Help saying it didn't go through as my password was wrong. However, it must have gone through, I was glad it had not as it was alittle judgemental. And, for the record and out of curiousity, I called and checked for you, they said most tanningbeds hold someone up to 400lbs, standups are different, however, you may burn yourself on the sides in a stand up if you are more big in the middle than in the sides. Stacie, having a drink of alcohol once a month is not like subjecting yourself to a tanning bad. A drink does not cause cancer where as tanning beds and extreme exposure to sun does.
   — heathercross

June 16, 2003
   — ~~Stacie~~

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