What could this pain be?

I have been having this pain for about a week now and I am unsure of what it is. It is difficult to explain but I will try: Any time I eat or drink I have this awful pain (rumbling like diarrhea) for about 5 minutes and it goes away. My stomach will get hard (feels like a baby moving around) and then it will stop. I haven't had any complications since my surgery. I haven't added any new foods or anything. I also have a metalic like taste in my mouth and can't get rid of it. Any ideas???    — chatterbox213704 (posted on June 10, 2003)

June 10, 2003
Hi Kim, I have the same type of pain sometimes in my stomach after I eat or even while I am eating something, my doc said that it was gas build up from the acid in our stomach since it is so small and all. So I suggest if it hurts too bad get some gas-x or maloxx that will help the pain. And as for the metallic taste in your mouth, it could be due to low potassium, or your iron pills making you have that taste, so I suggest you get your potassium level checked out to make sure that it isn't low. Hope this info helps, good luck!!!
   — Melodee S.

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