When can I relax from taking and worrying about all this stuff?

I am 9 wks post and have lost 43 lbs and I'm very happy. But It seems that everyday I am worrying about getting in the calcium, the vitamins, the b-12, the water, the protein(which i have a tough time getting in due to throwing up episodes and then I worry like crazy about it.) My husband wants to go on a cruise in Nov. but I'm worried I won't be able to eat and have fun. How far out will I just be able to go through a day without all this worry?    — Tammara D. (posted on June 8, 2003)

June 8, 2003
For the vitamins and calcium, never! You will always have to be vigilant about taking those (if you want to stay healthy). Everyone should get enough hydration in each day, so try to drink enough. The protein, according to my nutritionist, is less important the further out you get. Now that I am done healing she says just don't go below 50-60g per day. Some may disagree with that, and may believe in the Atkins type stuff where you eat mainly protein. My nutritionist and I agree that a balanced diet is more beneficial. Take your vitamins with you on the cruise, eat healthy foods, and have fun!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 8, 2003
Inga is right--- although you may stop "worrying" about your nutritional needs, you will always have to be vigilant about them. Plan on going on your cruise-- by that time you will be closer to your goal weight and will be able to enjoy it. My wife and I had been planning a resort trip to celebrate our 10th anniversary this past April; like you, I didn't know how I would fit in at an all-inclusive resort (and this was a place that I had been too when I had been a very big eater). But, I revelled in having energy (by that time I had lost about 180 pounds) and in not worrying about whether or not I'd fit in the chairs. And, perhaps the biggest thrill was sitting in a coach seat on the airplane and not needing a seat-belt extender. You see, in exchange for not having to worry about breaking chairs (or just plain fitting in them), I now worry about getting my vitamins. All things considered, it seems like a fair trade. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

June 9, 2003
You will never "relax" about stuff perse, but it will get easier and become more routine. You will have to eat protein and take vitamins for the rest of your life. This surgery was a major deal and we have to change our lifestyles accordingly. I can tell you that at 1 year out, getting in enough protein, water and vitamins is hardly ever a problem for me. So it does get easier. And although everyone has different views on eating post-op, whether more protein-based or balanced, we still should get 60 grams in daily. That is also recommended for a "normal" person. As far as your cruise- go and have a good time! You will be able to eat larger amounts, and you will almost definately be more used to foods in general and not throwing up. It may take more time, but you will eventually feel better. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

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