Is there a difference in the menstrual cycle before and after surgery?

I am awaiting insurance approval and I have noticed the more weight I gain the heavier my periods are? Does this change after WLS? Does the stress urinary incontinence go away after surgery???    — Sonya P. (posted on June 5, 2003)

June 5, 2003
My stress incontinence went away almost immediately! Thank goodness! I have heard many people say that their periods change post-op. At 3 months post op after having no periods I am finally very regular the past couple of months and I have never been able to say that unless I was on the pill! I am also less moody and much calmer in general since surgery. I am certain that it is a hormonal thing.
   — Carol S.

June 5, 2003
I'd have to agree with Carol on all counts. By the time I'd lost 50 pounds (or 25% of my excess weight) I'd stopped being incontinent and my periods have been much more regular. Though, I MUST say that every other one is a very heavy flow and the opposite on is a medium flow. Not complaining though since I can predict when it will happen.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 5, 2003
I can't give you any feedback as far as the stress incontinence goes (thankfully). However, my periods hadn't been regular in 15 years. I could go months, one time 6 months, without a period. My OB/GYN even did an endometrial biopsy 3 or 4 years ago to make sure the lack of periods wasn't building up any cancerous cells. I didn't use birth control of any kind for about 12 years (and still don't, hubby got neutered 2 years ago). My period started on the drive home from my lap RNY and has been regular since then. So regular these past 6 months that it's like clockword -- every 28 days...something that has never happened in my life. I'm darn glad hubby is fixed or I'd probably be one of the poor ladies on here "help, I'm xx months post-op and pregnant!" Good Luck on your approval! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -126lbs.
   — Anna L.

June 5, 2003
ClockworK...sheesh, not even decaf java in me yet this morning.
   — Anna L.

June 6, 2003
Pre-op I spotted for 1-2 days, bled heavily for 5, then tapered off (usually a full seven/eight days). Post-op it almost seemed to get worse during the first two cycles (total of 10 days), but by my third cycle, (down 60+ pounds) I only spotted for one day and bled moderately for three...which I'm hoping will be the new trend...a girl can dream can't she? LOL! In the end, it's hard to say though, as we are all so different.
   — eaamc

June 6, 2003
The past few years my regular as clockwork period got weird, going longer some months and shorter other months, some months heavy, some months light. I'm 47, I figure menopause. Last July I had WLS and within 3 months I was back to clockwork and all the hot flashes and other signs of menopause are gone. Good Luck. Peace.
   — Sunny S.

June 6, 2003
I seem to be an odd duck (I am still pre-op)...but my periods, despite coming around 28-40 days every month, generally last 5 days with only the first day being heavy and then just a dead stop by day 5. In my younger years I was always heavy bleeding for 6-7 days. Don't know if my weight gain slowed it down or my body just changed after having my son. I also get really bad cramps now, and I never used to. My dr. says its all stress and weight related.
   — Renee B.

June 6, 2003
I never got my period before surgery (maybe once or twice a year) now....its like clockwork (ughhhh) My urinary incontinece has gone away (thank God)
   — WABBIT F.

June 6, 2003
I had my periods regularly before surgery. I had started pre menopause for about a year before surgery. All the hot flashes etc stopped after surgery. My periods were regular until 4 months post-op. The hot flashes started again and I skipped my period that month. I chalked it up to my body adjusting to the surgery and weight loss. Sure enough, I got it this month, but no hot flashes. Not sure what is worst, periods or hot flashes, although the hot flashes did warm me up for awhile. I guess it's like everything else, everyone does different. I was wondering if there are other pre-menopausal women whose syptoms start and stop after surgery?
   — june22

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