I have been having pain in my stomach after I eat!
I was wondering if anyone else has had this kind of problem and what it could possibily be! I am 4 mth.s post-op and I ahve been having alot of pain in my stomache after I eat and evn trhow up sometimes because the pain is so bad, I went to the ER the ohter nite and they took some x-rays and thought they found something worong with my bowels but then they took me down for a CAT SCAN and that turned out to be negative, but ever since I am still experiencing pain off and on in my abdomen especially after I eat something it gets only worse. I am on nexium 20 mg. 2x a day and I have had other tests done eariler on but the last 2 weeks haven't been so good and I still worried from the ohter nite when I went to the ER cuz the pain isn't going away! Cam a CAT SCAN always be accurate they put some kind of dye in me when they gave me the test and I ahve to drink some yucky stuff! I need some info on what to do cuz it seem like anytime I go to the doctors or the ER they never give me a straight answer and send me on my way with pain pills, and just tell me to come back if the pain persists. That gets tiring! Thankyou for all your help I appreciate it! — Melodee S. (posted on May 29, 2003)
May 29, 2003
I had the same problem and also went to the hospital and back to see my
surgeon, I could not get any answers, but my surgeon did say to eat slower
and chew better and he also told me to not skip my meals and always sip on
my liquids. I did this and it worked! I had the pain up until my 5th month
and I never had the problem again. Good luck to you!!!
— Sandy M.
May 29, 2003
Has your gallbladder been tested for stones?
— cathywalden
May 29, 2003
Hi Melodee - I am by no means am giving you medical advice, and you should
check with your surgeon, but it almost sounds like every time you eat the
food might just be sitting there or going down really slow. You should see
your surgeon to see if he needs to do an endosocpy test to see if your open
enough. The opening from my new stomach to my small instestine was swollen
closed for the first five days after surgery and I had pains and threw
everything up. Luckily, for me it opened on its own. Good luck to you.
— Donna W.
May 29, 2003
Hi, I also started having pain after eating at four months out. I went to
my surgeon and had him do an upper GI. It showed I had developed a fistula
(tunnel) connecting the old and new stomachs. The pain was caused by
stomach acid produced by the old stomach coming into the new stomach. The
pain was awful. I am now on Protonix and the pain has stopped completely.
But, the bad news is I need to have a revision (June 30th) if I want to
lose the rest of my weight. This is just an idea for you - I hope yours
isn't as complicated a problem!
— Kim B
May 30, 2003
I'm 4-1/2 months out, and often have stomach pain after I eat. I'm also on
nexium, and had an endoscopy about 3 weeks ago which showed everything is
fine. I think the pain is related to how I eat (too fast) and the size of
the pieces (too big), plus how fast I swallow (gas). I also think the type
of food I eat affects my pain. If your medical tests continue to show
nothing is wrong, try experimenting with what you eat and how you eat it,
and see if it helps.
— Beth S.
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