Still tired weeks after beginning CPAP, help?

I am pre-op (BMI 42) and been using my CPAP machine (level 10) for weeks now. I use it the whole night. I am still very very tired. I still dose off if I am not constantly doing something. And driving I still get that turn up the radio or else feeling. This is scary stuff. Whats going on? I thought I would feel great by now. Any suggestions? What can I do?    — candylnd24 (posted on May 24, 2003)

May 24, 2003
Hi! Just some suggestions.....My cpap setting is set on 10 as well and it showed I was still having a few episodes at that setting....10 is a medium setting so you may need to have your setting raised.Something I have noticed is that on the mornings that I still feel unrested,It's because the straps weren't tight enough so I periodically need to adjust the tightness to keep air from escaping.Do you use a chin strap? If your mouth is open during the night that can lessen the full effect of the cpap.....There are also other kinds of sleep disorders that you can have besides apnea.I have fibromyalgia which inhibits getting into the deepest level of sleep even with the cpap on.Also,your body just maybe so sleep deprived that it may take awhile to get caught up.I would definately consult with your pulmonologist.
   — jennifer A.

May 26, 2003
Don't have this myself but hubby did until he had surgery for his throat and nose. It took him awhile before he started to feel more rested. I think maybe 2 months. His doctor had him add the chin strap, which helped him a lot. Also, he had his humidity level changed twice, which also helped. Good luck! (If WLS doesn't solve your sleep apnea problem, hubby said the throat surgery he had for it was the most painful, but best thing he has ever done. The C-Pap machine is history and so is his snoring.)
   — Liz R.

May 26, 2003
Definitely call your doctor and let them know. It may mean that your machine needs to be adjusted to a higher level. Mine is set at 14. They told me 3 to 4 weeks to totally adjust. You shouldn't be feeling so exhausted. Another thing to consider is your mask. Does it fit properly? If it is leaking you won't get the benefit from it that you should.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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